The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 12

She reached out and grabbed a pen and paper, she wrote a quick message on it before sending it off. "there" she stated spyro kissed her "thank you" cynder smiled, and kissed him back.

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Photo Booth

She grabbed a pen and paper from her suitcase, and wrote down what was different about her, about what she used to be. "it might be easier to keep track of what we once were if we write it down and show each other.

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Life Changing Events - Chapter 1

It was the 21stcentury, and here this feline was using an ancient outdated pen and paper method of data storage. then again, i imagined that it was probably to avoid cyber attacks or data evidence from the authorities.

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sperm donner

He smiled and handed me a pen and paper to fill in oh fucks i'd forgotten about this part. "can't i um just use last times paper? i've um been here not that i'm a pervert or enjoy it but i can you check the files?"

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Out Of The Bag

His dormitory never had a full-blown rave, mostly just playing video games together or enjoying pen and paper sessions, while devouring italian cuisine. but this would definitely be something different that he just had to try.

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Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 4 - Constant Reminders

Mark quickly looked up to see a red and black scaled dragon, a little older than him, waiting there smiling with a pen and paper in hand. mark immediately started blushing for two reasons.

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Take Home Sushi

._ he thought the fox came back into the room with a pen and paper and asked "alright love what can i get you this evening?" jacob looked up "well i guess i will get the special for the night, with warm saki please."

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The Next Level

Grabbing the pen and paper from the nearby counter, alex scribbled down the place and time. his heart sang the entire time, and finishing the short conversation with the lion left the tiger beaming. suddenly, a thought struck alex.

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Mounted on Power (KFPFF)

A small chest and a bamboo bed filled the room, and on top of the chest were ink, pen and paper, along with a bamboo oil lamp. jab's bag of belongings was just as sparse.

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Vermilion Daze: Chapter 1

pen and paper was an easier approach to long distance relationships and much more romantic, or so maki thought. the otter was more than capable of texting his significant other or even messaging him on one of the many social medias that they both use.

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Saving the ponies Chapter 8: I’m falling because of you!

He levitated a pen and paper over, scribbling down an address. "he works from home. if you agree, i'll pass him a message and tell him to expect you in the next few days, hm?" rainbow sighed and nodded.

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