Invane: Reasoning

So you viewers know, my wolf pack had a strategy system in place in case of trouble.

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COMM - To Tie For - Chapter Five - Commission for November

#13 of commissions ember gets more than she bargained for, when the alpha of the wolf pack she has been studying and researching for years, takes more than a casual interest in her...

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S2 Ep2 The Problem

This plot of land in question was the elemental forest on gaia, a place where magic naturally is found, and is the home place of the native wolf pack, a smaller kingdom not as big as the others.

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Josefs Tagebuch Teil 2

I'm amazed he's a member of one of the three major american flit-wolf packs. i also learned that his father knows about his sexuality. in fact, he told me the whole, semi-depressing story.

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A werewolf guide: introduction

The pack dynamics are similar to wolves pack in the wild; alpha, beta, omega, neutrals, and humans. it would take too long to explain the entire dynamic in detail, so for now just remember these titles.

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S5 Ep8-The Kingdoms of Gaia

The native wolf kingdom where the native wolf pack had survived on the south pole of the planet (which is different compared to the ice kingdom in the north pole).

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Littlest Were-Kitten, Ch 3

There are a few possible spoilers to fox in a wolf pack here, but i will be avoiding them as much as i can till i have gotten up to that in said story. if you have not read 'fox in a wolf pack' please do as it will explain much of the terminology used.

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Cypress Pack Chapter One: Reluctant Alpha

Had the elder's been paying attention when he was nude they would have noted a mark on his back that branded him as a human slave to a wolf pack.

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AMBER EYES - pt.03

I touched my shackled hands to the warm glass and gazed at isaiah again, then added, "then tell me how the wolf pack works. havok explained that i had inadvertedly inherited an entire wolf pack and then had them scattered.

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Fat Fucking Bunnies

Some just rolled their eyes and continued about their business, ignoring the wolf pack as best they could.

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Twilight Eros Chapter 41

"so, who wants to go to the wolf pack mansion saturday." everyone looked to luna, who was the only one with her hand raised. spec blinked before shaking his head. "well i'm going to assume everyone else is on board too."

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