Silence filled the shower room, indeed it seemed to permeate the entire area of the studio's backstage space as ace and the two actors waited to see if the typhlosion's lie would get them out of this spot.
A Dream Come True ~ Chapter 1 ~
There was one actor in the field of cinema that i enjoyed most above all else, wolfie steel.
Playing the part
Strong-looking, and a fairly good actor. not a race she'd considered, but it could work. then was another fox, more hopeful an actor than the first, but kind of nerdy in appearance.
Backstage Pass
The energy level from all the actors was really high, and the satire was strong, and of course, there was tidam strong as the lead actor. he didn't have to downplay his australian accent for the role - so damned sexy.
Time Tested
Mia had to force herself to not groan in the pleasure of the actors.
Revolution| Chapter XVII: Center Stage
I had a feeling that they were putting on an act just in front of me just to see who the best actor out of the bunch was.
Special Guest
Hell, some of the other voice actors afterwards said they were impressed. you were tense as hell when i ran into you on the convention floor.
An Ode to Canada
Many greats come out of canada: actors like william shatner, for one. creators, writers and millionaires (so much to be said and done).
Character Reference: James Finch
Kirk (drive wise) **if you could choose an actor/voice actor for this character, who would it be?:** shia labeouf
Beers and Boys and Yummy…
"but victor you gotta help me i can't remember the actor's name i know his face but i can't remember the name!" ahhmmm...uhmmm...
Rocky: Yenaquisition
I'm just the director, and you two are my actors. actors who keep fucking up their lines." "well maybe if you got real actors then you wouldn't have this problem." rocky said, "i mean, i'm your brother so i'm doing this out of family obligation.
A Private Screening
Three rows back, blushing as her eyes darted from the screen to the actors themselves getting increasingly enthused and involved in watching their own performance, garnet breathed heavily as she delighted in her presence here.