The Helix Ion Part 3
One of which ended up in america a few days ago, i have been studying it intensively and ... well quite simply it consists of elements that do not exist on this planet.
RWB 2: Bad Moon Rising Prologue
There is a... certain interest i have in controlling america.
American Empire - Prologue
After the hostile takeover of central america and half of north america they both united under one banner, one flag, one nation, the american empire.
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 23-Great Eight Festival
Seth and his friends have the lofty dream of seeing one of their cars on the 128 miles of road america.
Fur and Flesh
# Fur and Flesh _By: Darkfang Magus_ ## Chapter 1 The Cessna hums, as its occupants glide above a canopy thick enough to hide the ground. "See that!" the tour guide announces gesturing toward a particularly dense patch of jungle,...
Ein Wolf in der Falz – A Red Scare
But there was no chance of returning to america and retaking the reigns back.
2112: A Chimera's Perspective
Is a smoldering crater in the radioactive wasteland that was the middle east i've been there and it's not a pretty picture by any stretch of the imagination vatican city is a smoldering crater in italy much of europe is better but not by much america
Sweet kiss CHP1
#1 of sweet kiss please like this by yuki myuki/sweet boy hi let me introduce my self i am daichi mitsuka age 19 years old my ethnic asian and rabbit i planned to going back to japan but i want to explore more of america so i told my mother and father
My 2015 FBA Draftee: Erik Kijani
It was then where dembe and nabulungi decided to venture out to the unknown country of america. even though all they know about america is from what they saw in movies, they still always hear great things about the free country.
The Russian, Chapter 1
#1 of the russian ivan was a russian child, who lived in america since he was three years old. he lived in a family of three wolves â€" his mom and dad and him, but he had a stepbrother, an adopted white german shepherd, who was born in america.
Twinks Across America: Ch. 17 - Wisconsin
Of all the types of events i really wanted to see for myself in america, it came down to tailgate parties.
Love is powerfull
The day i left i had packed my bags with 7 pairs of clothes plus the clothes i was wearing and some cash extra about $2000 au not knowing how little it would be in america.