Falling Out and Falling In 2
The capital wasteland was still around them, and he recognized the coastline to an extent to their east, but they were well away from the jefferson monument and the core of the capital.
Serpentis Mechanica Regnum
Each of them had been given instructions on where to head within the capital ship, while they didn't have the direct blueprints of vuul's modifications of the capital ship, they had the original documents of the ship prior to its alterations.
The Mook Maker, Interlude 2: The Landlord
He paused, and exclaimed, "help for the besieged capital is surely coming!"
Dragon By Day P4
My name is alexandre yuani, and as you correctly have deduced, i'm a sorcerer elf from the capital."
Five Dragons: TLoP: Chapter 4: The Shadow Site of the Capital
Five dragons: tlop: chapter 4: the shadow site of the capital "what do you mean with gone?" daniel asked curiously as he turned on the driver's seat. "she's ..." he broke off as he had found the back seat empty. in fact, the female dragon was gone.
Song of Magdora
**song of magdora** * * * magdora was a fairly peaceful planet, unified under the capital's law, with shining cities, and no hunger. fairly.
Turning the Tide
Turning her fighter back towards the capital ships, katy took a moment to take in the battle.
Sprite Master: Chapter 2
The journey was a calm one as the ride to the capital took a couple of hours. it was close to midday now that they started to reach the capital. the coachman saying that we reached the solan kingdom.
Dr. Thomas Part One
"_ the gelding said with a bow _"this stallion is an excellent doctor from the capital. i brought him to have a look at you."_ the filly regarded him with weary eyes as thomas stepped forwards_"greetings my lady.
Illian: Revelations
With grief in his heart, markus accepts the title of alpha captain and heads to the capital of the malar.
Big Sister's Slumber Party: The Road Trip - Part 2
"i always think the largest city of a state is the capital." "sacramento, california. tallahassee, florida. springfield, illinois . . ." "okay, okay," said alyssa.
--by the wizarding board of the capital cities, wbcc-- the hedge wizard is a peculiar kind of problem.