Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 14

If you are offended by controversial religious ideas or thinking ... then you should probably grow up, step outside of your comfort zone, and try to enjoy yourself. the woman returned to the place where she and her husband had made a home.

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For the Love of a Pit - Chapter 1

I mouthed a curse, completely forgetting about this controversy that had been stirring for months. brake stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, the rest of his body damp. "hey, love. what's that?"

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A Slave Escape, Two Sisters and a Coyote

Much to our surprise there wasn't much controversy over the whole thing; the courts ended up letting him keep us. but, the first chance we got we ran, luckily into you. ", and then added "you don't have any cloths you could let us borrow, do you?"


Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 2

It's been a controversial story." "on that, we can agree on." she pulled out a chair, sitting across from the golden retriever as his fingers clasped around the glass. "so, what are you doing these days?" "doctor. surgeon specifically."

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Khari's Travelling Menagerie

Bestiality** "now, this one is... a bit controversial..." khari led us in front of a stage that actually had a curtain drawn in front of it, velvet midnight blue in color.

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Tales From Anthracite City 4: Welcome to Anthracite City part 2

controversial in a way that adam and elizabeth were just about to walk in on... the human guard posted outside of the hospitaller clinic was six shades of mean.

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Zoids: History of Zi - Part 002

These discoveries caused a windfall of controversy. detractors accused babahut of fabricating the tablet. they claimed he had constructed the temple and monolith out of the selfish need for fame and scholarly recognition.

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Poke Quest : Character Select

Due to the few comments he's made about his family, it's become clear to most of bracketsbur that he was sent to this village due to being a bastard child of a highly controversial breeding between a psychic and non-psychic.

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Astral High - Chapter 2

Seriously controversial stuff." "killing kids?" [me] "uhh... don't worry, you aren't an orphan, so you're fine. if you were, i think you'd want to act as idiotic and incapable as possible."

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Roleplay: Shepherd Pack

Very controversial and extreme erp that happened randomly on after i was connected to a random user. this was a erp that happened on pardon how extreme it is, but i wanted to share it for your viewing pleasure.

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Goldenmane Chapter III: I Love the Smell of Scorpions in the Morning

Most had been there for the great celine dion controversy of 2011, which had claimed many of their number. the screams still lingered in everyone's memory.

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Tina's Story Chapter 66 Little Stan Becomes Jewish

Then there was the guest list, which was the source of more that a little controversy. in the end, ray's family would be there, along with the russels, colleen and lydia, and kc and her doctor.

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