Jake and I - Surprise
"a guy i love who doesn't hate gays!" i thought, still surprised about jake's choice. now if only he were gay i'd be in heaven, but he can't possibly be gay. i mean, he dates way to much. but a fur can dream can't he?"
Take My Breath Away Part III
"why didn't you tell me you were gay?" patrick asked.
A Simple Transaction
I felt i needed to give the fag some consolation, so i smiled and ruffled his head. "hey, it's ok. you're only human. just...no gay stuff, ok?" "agreed!"
Realizing the Truth that was there all Along
_it' not like i'm gay. i couldn't be gay, i'm a mormon. no, no, it's just a comparison between me and them. there's nothing gay here. i'm not gay, i'm not!_ at school things were not much better. at that time i was boy crazy.
The Ballad of Phillip: Chapter 1
Moving to fox hollow was the shared dream of the club members as it was seen as a sort of "gay paradise" because it was and still is a very accepting city for gays.
Clueless Season Two: Toru's Life Tour (Homecoming-out Part 8)
But i've never realized how beautiful being gay could be... how much beautiful art and clothing were all thanks to gay people...
Balm for Dichotomy
"mm-hmm ... birdwatching is one of field's hobbies. he's trying to catalogue all the birds here. mm ... and that's neat, you know? see, i wish i could ... find something to do like that.
Where the Marrow Should Be
"mm?" a sigh ... " ... i ... don't know. too much fun. bothers me." "you don't like fun, huh?" a bit of a toothy smile. "no." "you're just being stubborn," she assured. "just being ... defensive. mm ...
Yaoi, the Rune Luster
yaoi walks over to kit, who just realized that the white wolf is standing against him, cupping his chin and being forced to look into his eyes. he glares to yaoi who just grins. "yaoi!" "we made a deal.
Furtree Middle
He ask, "hey jonas, what do you think about gays?" "i think that gays are like any other living thing in this world." "so what would you think of me if i was gay?" "uhhhh. well i wouldn't mind because i'm gay." "what?!?!
Hoosier Tomatoes
"adelaide ... " "mm?" a sip, again, of soup. "mm ... i love you," he whispered, looking down to his bare, honey-tan foot-paws, his fur keeping him warm from the chill that was outside the house.
Classroom Journal
And along the way, i do enjoy a few yaoi titles here and there. yaoi, by the way, being the japanese word for gay manga and anime. my friend ray knows about me being gay, and obviously, likes to exploit it as much as possible.