Bred and Circuses
Then as kurt's cock and balls came to resemble its jaguar counterpart the lady jaguar scooted closer and closer to him.
Hopeless Liberation Chapter 7
The jaguar said.
The Faceless Lover
Realizing how long she'd stayed away from home, the jaguar remembered her brother.
New Normandy: Spa Day
The jaguar's gorgeous body flexed against me and i could feel each ridge of muscle like a wave across my dense fur. even with my superior lung capacity, the jaguar wanted more, and he took it.
Moving Woes
The jaguar reached forward, placing a hand on the wall just above vic's left ear.
The Jigsaw's Prison
Fucker, you had to research this..._ the jaguar tunes out lowe in his venting of growls.
The Heist
The jaguar's smile got even wider. "greetings mortals. i am tehuantal," the new arrival said with a bow. "although most just call me lord jaguar. i believe you have something that belongs to me."
Hidden World: Rituals of the Leteuya
Other jaguars come bearing sacks of fruit and jugs of water.
Secrets Shared, Part 2
When the jaguars came together they leaned forward and kissed each other, chase running his tongue into his father's mouth lustfully as he fired jets of jaguar sperm into his new girlfriend's asshole.
Match with Destiny
The tiger tenderizing the jaguar's torso, making it feel like mashed potatoes. the jaguar yelling out in pain as the tiger continued the knee strikes. all of a sudden he stops, the jaguar stooping to one knee and clutching his stomach.
The jaguar snuffled as the dust got into his nosepad.
Zombi jaguar hero's journey tezcat the jaguar was out in the jungle on his own one day, minding their own business, when he was suddenly surrounded by zombies who threw a net over him and shot him with a tranquilizer dart, then fell into unconsciousness.