To Serve and Submit Chapter 1: "What Big Eyes you Have!"
As I close out the programs on my computer, I heave a gigantic sigh and push away from my desk. The day was packed with constant calls from customers complaining about their devices. Text messaging, phone calls, wi fi and data problems, warranty,...
The Truth Within - Ch. 1 : Fantasy
A loud clang. A bright flash. The light above had been switched on, and with it, brought him back to reality. _Am I really awake?_ He groggily thought to himself, his eyes still closed. While the rest of his body didn't appear to have woken up yet,...
lost in the evergreen forest chapter 10 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)
this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote. sampson belongs to me and arca and Alaster (the elf) belongs to alaster enjoy! Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 10 "so... who are we butchering today?" the elven doctored sighed as he walked...
My Life as a Slave 14
It was however a kidnapping of the three missing olympians that went missing after the plane crash. the offending country is none other than the country that held the olympics this year. we have contacted them and demanded their release."
The beginning of the end
Okay I know its a lead off of my main series But, I had an idea and had to do it, so here is the start of it, Now it is clean but its about the only chapter that will be so, any kiddies wanting to read it, don't really bother you'll only get to read...
lurking in the shadows
Kevin woke up still drowsy from sleep, he felt someone's embrace. He shook his head, letting his eyes adjust. He heard breathing from someone else. "Where am I?" He said drowsily, and started to get up Kaitlyn also started to stir "Kevin don't...
DiscoveryI was being chased through a hazy forest by hounds. I ran as fast as I could, jumping over fallen trees and over ditches. I kept looking over my shoulder from time and reached the edge of a cliff, I was fixing to jump, when a large wall of...
The darkness rises
Chapter Fourteen We stopped on a cliff jutting out from a mountain. After all the flying I had done, my wings couldn't carry me any further. A distant sound echoed through the mountain range--like running water, but I couldn't pinpoint the...
Insanity (origin story)
When she was out she was kidnapped quickly, and she never saw her home town again.
The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter One
---Beginnings--- I don't know why I am writing this now, but professionals have said that writing something down is the best way to remember stuff. I am trapped in a strange world. There is NOTHING around me! Nothing except Them. I think that I might...
Your in a purple and white room walls adorned with pictures and string leading to one picture to another you start to squint and see what the pictures are of... they're... pictures of you!? You try getting up but your tied up in a chair you look...
Unexpected Pleasure (Part two of three)
Skyeder awoke the next morning, excited and refreshed. "Yes! Vacation day! Whoooohoooo!" He exclaimed, leaping out of bed. First things first, a shower was in order due to yesterdays endeavors. The gryphon pranced to the bathroom, turning on shower to...