The Reporter's Roulette - Part One
There is a lot of politic intrigue, surprise twists and ensuing drama in these two stories so i really hope you enjoy them.
Talking Gerbils
"they're very polite." "polite! they talk!" for a long (on air) moment the two men just stared at each other. "i can't find anybody to do anything about it!" mr smith exclaimed. "the army isn't interested since i went public.
Eternal Mortality: The Nations Of Osa
This fine piece of information is more so for RP elements, for those who wish to create a character around the Eternal Mortality universe. Please comment and rate. "Nations may rise and fall. But the people never truly change." DROTHAR...
The Furry Dead Chapter VIII - Pride
Chapter VIII - Pride The muscular tiger lowered his shoulder and unleashed a mighty shield slam, unwinding his body's coiled posture to smash his opponent's thick steel helm with a thunderous clang that sent the other duelist reeling into the stone...
Luca's Story Ch. 10
If you have comments to make about my personal views on politics and religion, i'll delete them.
Rift (Part 9)
Rift (Part 9) The sound of minstrel's strings echoed in the deserted corridor leading to the royal great hall. Rilen's maroon shoulder cape fluttered behind him along with the orange of his tail. His court finery lacked only his ceremonial rapier....
Operation Midnight Sun Prologue - Collaboration!
There will be drama, suspense, politics, and plenty of action to keep things exciting.
Tourists Guide To The Principality Of Valtovka: Part Four
PART FOUR: Military Service. _At the age of seventeen, all male and female Valtovka citizens are subject to conscription for a term no less then two years..._ After the unification, Ronald saw fit to impose a conscription plan to insure that the...
Return of herm ideology + Bigpip and the candy factory
There used to a be a ideology in the Anocratic empire based around turning ponies into hermaphrodites. This ideology has since died down and those beliveing it instead converted to Neo-Harmonism. The idea of trying to turn ponies into hermaphrodites...
SYBT: Politicos and Equines
Even her and now under all this circumstance and political bullshit she wanted to be ridden like the broodmare wished she could be.
A Furry Love Story - To Room 7
So Henry went on through the day Until he heard a sound He pushed a button on his wrist And this is what he found The meeting place was to be moved Away from room thirteen The meeting would be someplace else Inside a room more clean The...
_English: Heyho, this is my first try in writing a furry story. I don't know if I will continue it, although I've got a feeling how the story might go on. So lets see. It's written in german, because I don't feel like writing in english already, maybe...