Every Rose has its' Thorns
I have assured louise that jeremy would not reject brock, his love for her is too strong that he would accept brock with much love."
Its the adventure of a psychotic man on his rampage against the girl who rejected him he had been watching her for days on end, waiting for the perfect time to snatch her.
Rainy Weekend - Friday
Another big reason was the constant teasing and rejection at school, people have marked him as s social reject and so he has taken the role of such, he gave them what they marked them as, someone who would never ever fit in with the normal fittings of society
A Tale of a Fox and a Doughnut
It had been a long time since it had a mate, and he had been rejected a few times. the feeling of rejection is always painful, but now he knew he could have something like this whenever he wanted. he couldn't take it anymore.
Many would certainly be appaled by her rejecting her traditional homelands. but, there was nothing for her here.
Hot Nights in Neon City - Writer's Calling
The effect she hoped to have noticed by the wolf, was rejected once more. no sound but the keyboards incessant tapping filled the still air and in perfect timing tiffani waged her tail to the rhythm.
Tricky Fox
In most cases, such as the case for one male zorua, it's usually the male who would seek out a female and it would be up to her to either allow him to mate with her or to reject his advances.
Daisy's White Christmas (QCP: BJ-Eps07)
"go after the reject, overcat. and get minos to help you. supermouse, i want you to come with me... we need to work on saving those six teenagers. if its not too late."
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 24: Challenges, Complications And Dangers
"yeah so are the amount of enemies out there- the intendant, others, monsters, rejects and now aliens?!" russell said hiding behind rumble. "that is about right." corbin said. "it wasn't all bad." shakara said.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 78: Come With Me Now (Embracing Demons Part III)
"did the entity reject you?" "actually no, i rejected it." "but how is that possible?" the female asked staring at me. "i was never fully under its control." i said looking down at the floor of their home. now....
Good Boy, Yuki. Chapter 1
I sent a polite rejection to her as well. i waited, and i waited, and i waited. rejecting an all black wolf who simply responded with dick pics, as well as a few female foxes, some of which attaching nudes as well.
A Split Heart: Part 3
His dad's rejection negated his faith in his friends' and family's acceptance, and he was well aware he didn't have many friends to whom he could turn.