A Change In Perspective

The soft whirr of propellers is the only sound that stands out in these enormous sand-colored halls. The sound of even softer humming is entirely lost under their oscillating tone. Teri allows himself to sit back, tapping a few buttons on his bracer to...

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Don't Mess With Nikki

This is a contest entry, a reverse corruption contest. that means a bad guy getting turned into a good guy. i opted to use the villain from the previous story (formerly unnamed) and threw in a bit of back story and now he's not a bad guy.

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Perspective Changes Can Be Good For Your Health!

Most of the dishes that he could trust himself not to screw up were scrambled eggs and bacon, preferably being made in the reverse order and in the same skillet. the otter sighed as he turned the burner on.

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Hypnotic Vibes [Commission]

**"Ah, that was indeed a good way to spend my lunch time,"** **Wyth carefully leaves money for his lunch and his friend Sazer's lunch neatly in the cafe's little black booklet for receipts. Sazer watched Wyth intricately handle his money and handle...

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Tamati: Matka and Tik Tik 1

Outside of town, there is a lonely road, and at the end of that lonely road lives a wizard of much power. And what does any great wizard need to do great wizard things? Why, materials, of course. In a wizard's early career, many ingredients and...

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Rocketing Around the Galaxy 8

Tags: m/m, foot fetish, paw play, raccoon, rocket raccoon, series, size difference, face-fucking, face fucking, foot worship, reversal, another reversal, pick a position, timber wolf, erection, orgasm, cum, oral,

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Making it in Showbiz

_This story is only for those over the age of 18 and are not offended by scenarios involving two muscular men getting it on. A.k.a M/M scenarios for those of you who only look for tags. If you are offended by this sort of thing, or just don't care for...

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**Andy drummed his fingers on the cheap table again as he looked around the room. Again he questioned himself as to if he was doing the right thing or not, but it had been an expensive month and it was this or working for his dad, and last time this...

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Power Unlocked, Power Unleashed

This piece is intended for adults. Please don't read if you're easily offended. Also all characters are original and all resemblance to any person or fur living or dead is purely coincidental. Enjoy :3 Chapter 1: Power Unlocked The two...

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Chapter 5: Merry Christmas

**Author's Foreword: Welp, that's it! There's no more after this. Hopefully you enjoy the saucy bits, which are pretty much all right here in this chapter. Feedback is appreciated even though this story is years old and unfinished, and I thank you for...

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#5 of christmas at jen's role reversal is like musical chairs, except one person has a way bigger chair and isn't giving it back. i woke up sometime later, groaning and rubbing my head.

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Chapter 3: The Plot Shrinks, and then Thickens Again

I stared at the collars for a few moments more, then sighed a bit. This was all? She'd given me a collar for my birthday already. She seemed to sense my disappointment, for she frowned a bit, but it quickly turned into a broad grin. "Oh, these aren't...

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