Wolfen - Chapter 10

The stick crashed into her wrist. there was a loud snap as the stick shattered and her wrist broke. she yelped in pain as she pulled her wrist back. she would not be using that right now.

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The Fall of Luci-Fur

The skunk grabbed his stick, and stepped slowly into the crater, his ears twitching at the faint sound of voices from below. he sniffed, putting the stick in his mouth as he continued on all fours.

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Luna's Island Chapter 2

A pile of wood lay by the raft as she took the sharpest stick she could find and headed off to explore the woods. the sticks cracked under her feet and leaves rustled as she walked through the forest.

Anthro Majorum Chapter 2

Clara remembers, "we have some sticks and string left over from yesterday which should be enough for tool. moe and i can find more sticks and make string for the wheel barrels."


Tobias vs. Thiffrin Iccran 1

#15 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure the stick of champions takes tik tik all over the place for the tournament of champions, and it seems like the stick will not let something like mortality get in the way of someone participating in this contest

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The Public Execution Center

A **bear** -morph stands behind the **cat** , with a heavy stick threaded through the loop. the **bear** is holding the ends of the stick, exerting some effort to hold it in place.

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Wings of Desire

That long stud stick still firm and pulsing deep within the lovely sky stallion, as if to say that as his first the pegasus would always belong to it... to the zebracorn.

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luna and the shire go at it

Shire looked and saw the snow falling, he picked up his stick and looked at the tree, he then kicked a stick and the tree feel down into a heap. shire then started the long walk to the castle.

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Anthro Majorum Chapter 1

When all have their sticks and moe has a small rudimentary stick-and-stone paw-axe, they each let moe sharpen their stick except for benjamin. he takes a blunt rock and mimics moe, pretending to sharpen his own stick.


Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 7

Now kindly get ya brown ass up, 'n pass 'da stick to 'da lizza on 'da left!" roy ordered. after morton got up with a disgruntled huff, next up was jimmy, who to junior's surprise, also had his own stick ready.

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My Little Mashup 10 - Out of Time

I brandished the stick and jumped back. "whoa!" "you are _certainly_ the largest furry i've ever seen." i lowered the stick. _we're a lot further back than i thought! also, how are there sapient pterosaurs?

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The Teaching of Squirrel Girl: Squirrel Girl's turn

A panicked noise stops her from being to quick from pulling it out to fast, mystique grunting as the stick is pulled out and falls to the floor.

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