Favorite Stud
It was a high-stakes play, but he didn't see another way of getting out of this.
Gains and Losses
At one of the questioning stares from his fellow contestants, amazed that anyone so totally off of his ass would dare come to such a high stakes game, the pup proudly announced that it had been a bet from his fellow classmates.
No Frills: Grukkal
Fighting with bigger dragons had its dangers, but grukkal was not deterred by high stakes. one day a much larger dragon attacked one of grukkal's old proteges. grukkal stepped in to protect him and the big dragon attacked him too.
Chapter 16: The Wolf's Wrath
stakes games can be played."
A Walk in the Park
This is a high stakes game. we haven't ventured very far with your comfort zone, so we're pushing it today." oh god no. "starting with me, we will take turns saying 'penis.'
History of Fur: Chapter 1
It had been two months since her newest adversary rose, and the conflict thus far was little more than a high stakes game of tug-of-war. a moment later, she heard a sound from far below. she opened one eye to casually inspect the city.
A Gambler's Share
In this land of high stakes gambling and high priced prostitutes she fit right in. one could almost read the thoughts of the creatures in the lobby as she passed through.
Highest Stakes
An extremely high stakes gambling hall attracts all sorts of thrill-seekers. ravira and deva eye their prey from across the room. the dangerous naga and raptor have a challenge for those brave enough to accept it.
Cold Hearted
When a goddess declares that you are her champion, and that the world is a high stakes game of survival, it's an offer you can't refuse. if she loses her soul will spend eternity in agony. all 147 champions know that there are only two ways to win.
Cuckolded by Her Mother: Chapter 30
After all, the game was afoot and she had such a high stake in it, right there along with her mischief-making demonic sweetheart.
Recruitment Month
Written by twistedsnakes the silver serpent casino is one of the most highly-acclaimed casinos in the world, offering a wide variety of high-stake games that wins or loses people tens of thousands worth of credits in just a minute.
Starstruck Love
"quite a high stake. and if you win?" she replied cautiously "you go another round with me, and i make the rules." he said, coy she sealed her fate. "you're on." she really should have thought this through more.