Apocalypse, parts 1-8

Part I - Transformation I awoke on a strange hospital bed that looked like one of those hibernation chambers out of the movie_Aliens_. The room was dark and barren, except for a door with a little red light above it. I was wearing a hospital...

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Bringing in a Friend

Public celebrations were a bane to Shunyu Silverclaw, his training had him wanting to avoid attention near instinctively. In the days after the Legion's defeat on Argus, however, the festivities seemed unending, with food stalls lining the streets of...

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Let's All Get Buzzed

Drunk, depressed, and down on his last legs, Conner stumbled down the street, unaware of the time but figuring it to be late into the night, given that the last dive bar on the strip had kicked him out after last call. It didn't matter. There was no...

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To Be The Best - Chapter 5: Friday with the Twins (X)

Chapter 5: Friday with the Twins "Ugh," Lee groaned as she woke up. She still felt awful, even after eating a dinner of healing berries. She forced herself to get up despite that. Limping over towards the water supply, she dunked her face into it,...

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The Cattery- A Cat TF/TG

The cattery had always been around, since before any of the neighbours could remember. Last year, someone had even posted some ancient newspaper clipping on Facebook with the same house and a horde of cats from a time everything surrounding it was...

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Buccaneers of Black Pond Chapter 5

Chapter theme: [https://youtu.be/hLzmNUWYKk8](https://youtu.be/hLzmNUWYKk8) 1. Billy rubbed his red ears as he stood before the mirror on the third floor bathroom of his school, the stinging pain still there from yesterday. 2. 3. "I'm...

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Mother's Day

Besides, daddy has both male and female parts. you could always have the same. have you checked?" "i'm not checking with you around!" brandon knew he was smaller, and it embarrassed him to no end.

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Clubbing Partners

A moogle and a fox walked into a bar. Actually, the two were in the bar for quite some time. "So, what was that new spell you picked up during your last adventure? You promised you'd show me Erakir." The colorful fox said. The fox had purplish...

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New Leash On Life

You weren't sure about this at first, but you placed the order, and now it arrived, and you held it in your hand. A simple black collar with a silver name tag with your name on it. You placed the order online, claiming it was for a large dog, but in...

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Robbing Hood

Robin Hood held an unusual golden dragon talisman. The anthro fox grinned at Maid Marian as he held onto the pendant with his furry hand. "One wish and we can solve the problems of the poor forever! All we have to do is wish to become big and powerful....

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Found By Alexandria Zeta Aubis I have to run. They're running behind me. They have dark jackets and guns, but they look hungry. I'm not a runner. I can't keep this up. The yellow street lamps turn the streets into hazard stripes. There's a dumpster...

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What Is To Belong

What Is To Belong By Zatarra L. Vulpe I used to have a thing for gaming. I felt like my hands were more comfortable over a controller than even on the steering wheel. Thanks to a few programs I'd figured out I was in the top ten percent of the games...

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