Trade Secrets
O.o this story was written for darkkoon on fa, and is story #3 of my 2014 iron author challenge! :3 it contains sexual acts between an adult male and a machine!
Untamed Passion
#2 of iron author 2014 upon returning to the digital world, a tamer and her digimon share a tender reunion. <3 this story was written for gamerfox on fa, and is story #2 of my 2014 iron author challenge!
Flesh and Scale Chapter 1 New classes and a new life
Back in 2014 it turns out the government had been in contact with beings from another planet, they were called the krilnin, they were a species of half animal half human creatures.
OMG! Vol.3 Top 50 Incidents In TNA History
Eric young wins world title during wrestlemania week magnus was reigning throughout the early part of 2014 as the tna world heavyweight champion once he aligned himself with dixie carter.
The Rabbit Rules
Written 2014. **the rabbit rules** as excerpted from a letter by walter elliot 1 ¹rabbits are the greatest species. ²rabbits do not need violence to achieve their goals. ³rabbits succeed with intelligence, hard work and determination. ?
Orken's Diary (7/???)
.¬¬...i decide this because i realiza that live through imagination it's not so healthy so thats why orken it's single anyway i hope you like it enjoy it :) 23 de septiembre de 2014, noche despejada :) hoy ha sido un día bastante tranquilo y a
Arctic War Bios
Alice ricker age: 35 date of birth: february 14, 1979 date of death: august 6, 2014 profession: former people's amy lieutenant colonel background: loving mother of five children. she had a take no shit attitude.
So Facebook is turning into a Dumpster fire.... (Edit/Followup)
Well gl to "them" because facebook isnt needed for me to get commissions and to sell adopts anymore like i needed back in 2014+ish, , as i got a decent amount of supporters on fa and discord alone.
Memories of Summer
Written in honour of all those who lost their lives in the Great War. You will never be forgotten. Date, 1st July 1916, Time, 7:15 am. In fifteen minutes time the whistles will blow, and the battle of the Somme will commence. Today is also my...
The feel of his embrace
Well I bet you are wondering why I'm writing to you, it's a bit of a long story, in fact it's my whole life really. It started back when I was fifteen and my parents brought me to this caravan park, where I'm staying right now. Sand Haven, a small park...
Ice Cream At The Pier
Dear Peter, Every detail of your face was breath-taking in the dying light. I know it sounds cheesy, but how else am I supposed to describe it? You're the wordsmith, not me. I'm just the dumb jock who comes down every year for his summer vacation to...
The Tome of Time in Purgatory
So for example,if you were born in the year,say 1975 for instance, by today 2014 your soul would be 523,866 years old yet you'd only be 38 years old physically. why is that you might ask. well this is the complex part.