The Lead Crown: Ch 4a, It's Pronounced Cameo (Pt 3)
The crane leaned over so his face was hidden behind the device, and he said something to the side.
Summer Heat – Chapter 21: New research
She moaned and groaned loud while the other girls stopped their licking to watch him take the crane girl.
Revealed: Chapter 17
They were notoriously inaccurate, but crane had learned how to compensate in all of the right ways. it was just a few minutes of shooting before the jostens were forced to retreat.
Revealed: Chapter 15
'if you makes you feel any better, i'll just have crane stay with me." he looked over at crane who was listening with a silly grin. "you are still a good shot, right?" "the best." crane rested his gun on his lap and patted it. "good."
Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 2
But something was wrong with the crane attached to it. it was leaning towards the street, and smoke was coming from the gears. rainbow did a quick check and that crane was surely coming down and could kill ponies. she dove off the cloud toward the crane.
Voyager: Chapter 6
I was reliant on crane, he was essential my guardian. i was never a fighter or even a survivalist, the best i could do is tell you is if your water had e-coli in it.
Kung Fu Panda - Tigress, Viper and Po
Shifu asked monkey and crane to come up an assist with the spanking. monkey and crane couldn't help but smirk. po, tigress, and viper didn't think it was very funny. shifu stood next to viper, crane next to po, and monkey next to tigress.
The Old Adventures of Twilight and Crimson!
The crane backed away slowly, waving on his men to block the path. "oh come on!" the fox frowned a bit cause he hated fighting goons. such a time waster!
Preview - Forest Taur After Glow
The cranes are roosting in the trees around here and we'll see them getting ready for the night if we just go a bit further," he said. he was right, it was a bit hard to hear him over all the chittering honks of the cranes.
Godzilla and Anguirus (M/M)
Every time he pulled back, he squirted harder from the crane pinching his prostate between its metal tips before plunging to the point that anguirus felt his stomach get punched from the depths.
Revealed: Chapter 6
He was pure muscle as well, like crane, but the similarities ended there. crane looked funny since all of his muscle mass was crammed into a small frame. krauss of the other hand appeared menacing, tall, toned and i saw how fast he was back on mars.
Revealed: Chapter 1
"now we get those charges dropped and then we go give your friend crane a visit." "how, i've already been found guilty and crane is still on mars with the brit... how did you know about crane?" he looked back me with an odd face.