The Island of Doctor Mortimer 1, 2, and 3

It wass developed by the u.sss. government to combat the japanesse in world war 2. the government called the production of it, the manhattan project, although to maintain sssecrecy, the project was sspread out to ssseveral locationss around the nation.

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A doctor's crappy day

His government minder knew that he did not like the entity that he represented. his mind are also new that dr. jeremy had sympathies for the rebels groups that fought against the government on the issue of slavery within the federation.

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Welcome New Citizen! - Introduction to the Cityverse

This is an automated message from the city government, here to help you get started on your new life here!

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Virishian History

The unionist government was unprepared to face the escalation of riots and uprising and few members of its leadership were actually prone to accept lenn-thu as one of them: proposing a seat for him into the government.

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Memories of A Dragon (Chapter 1)

However, since i was born differently than the majority of my brothers and sisters, the government denied me rights to the throne. the parents were not happy with the government's decision.

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Hiring roughly two and a half million employees across the entirety of human space, omniwatch is almost as large as the alliance government's bureaucracy, though arguably more efficient.


Against All Odds: Part 23 - Captive

"you're doing this... because you're mad at your government? because you think they brought us here to steal your job--" "you think we do this to threaten our government!?" marat high-pitched voice cut through nathan's questioning.

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The 6 season war (Media views)

Now the government won't tell you this, but even in the 1980's special labs funded by the government have worked on nanites. without the proper security needed as can be expected, one group of nanites known now as the ba escaped and hid for decades.

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Through the Horizon: Organization and Personalization

First, i have organized the government and established a cabinet of ministers. i will make a list of ministers available at each planetary government. however, what you need to know is that each planet will have a government representative upon it.

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Exploration RLA: Part 6: The First Planet Fall

"it's in the government's decree that it remains behind so much so police can have a better time keeping the peace." "how does government work?" i asked him, "is it a monarch? divine rule? dictatorship?"

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Journal of Shadows 2

"yeah, and working to purchase his retirement documents, which means we're under the public and government microscopes." "not exactly, allen. you see, he is indeed in the eyesight of the government and the public... but you're not."

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Emoji Arithmetic

It quickly became clear to him that the government was going to approach this all wrong.
