Kurt's Klub
Art by fa: bgn **kurt's klub by draconicon** the locker room for the grand gator gym was a small one, but that was all the better for kurt.
Snowed In 2 - Unexpected Surprises 1
kurt laid there and watched his angel sleep. kurt looked over at the clock and realized that he had a few hours before he had to go into work.
Kurfust's Kidnapping
kurt moaned pleadingly, his eyes looking for pity in his captor's but finding none the mysterious last item was in the captain's hand and he smiled as he moved it towards kurt's big, cold, doggy nose.
Kurfust's Kidnapping
kurt moaned pleadingly, his eyes looking for pity in his captor's but finding none the mysterious last item was in the captain's hand and he smiled as he moved it towards kurt's big, cold, doggy nose.
Things are different from Earth
kurt eyeballs the naked rhino lady at the locker next to theirs. kurt holds his hand out and says, "hey there, i'm kurt." she shakes his hand and says, "eva, nice to meet you."
The Best Idea Ever
kurt's eyes bulged. "wait, wha-... **katy**!"
The Long Gift—Chapter 4
Before kurt can finish his sentence, jaime squeezes kurt's tail. "we know you're not--ah!" kurt sits up quickly and pushes jaime to the edge of the bed while jaime's talking. "i win!"
Hypnovember 2023 - Day 6: Medieval (Claimed by Moose)
He could picture it clearly in his mind as kurt talked. a big, shiny prism - blue as the deepest sea. as invaluable as it was fascinating. "it was, indeed," kurt added with a big smirk, "a sapphire."
The Pendulum II: The Dance
"don't do it, kurt." aaron's eyes were glistening. kurt realized that the other hyena's cry had been for him. it had been a cry of despair at knowing that kurt was going to die. the look in aaron's eyes moved him.
Reunion- Part 8
Tell kurt.... i-i'm s-s-sorry...."
Kurt: a Fun Night
"oh god kurt i'm gonna cum.
Alphabet Challenge 2018 - R is for Racing
kurt's toes curled.