Horny Dog - Parts 4 to 6 (Dog TF)
Grrghh-rrff-nate! don't let her-rrrgh touch you-rrf!"
Chapter 11: Rundown on Personas
nate asked himself, leaning over the orca to see the time: it was half past eight.** **"what?! 8:30?!" nate yelped: he slept for way too long!
Third Victim
nate complained. it was a mix between a moan and groan.
Not Your Average Cock Ring Pt. 6
She walked over to nate and pulled his limp cock from deep inside his tailend. as nate's cock slid free a flood of cum came with it soaking the counter and nate's fur.
Of Domination and Donations
nate said, lifting his son's head up. nate yelped from the claws that dug into his scruff, them being muffled by the thick cocktip that wedged its way into his open muzzle. nate took full advantage of the situation, pressing again.
Under Control - Chapter 3 - After Effects
As the two were grappling in the center of the ring, the smaller male reached down and gripped nate's sac, once again gently. nate howled out briefly before he was knocked over with tyson on top of him.
Chapter 3 - Recollecting
"no, you have insomnia-nate!" dave said, laughing. nate joined in to from it. "t-that's not true!" j tried to hide it. "oh, so you don't love me?" nate teased. "what? i never said that! i do!" j said, now getting all flustered.
Bloodbound: Chapter 1
nate was still too buzzed and disoriented to really move at first. what had nate even just done? he'd sucked off a man. not just a man, but a monster.
Glory of the Lizards
A few minutes passed before nate was rudely interrupted by the man, who slammed himself down onto the chair next to nate.
Slowly the door opened and nate stood there with the brightest smile matt had ever seen on his doorstep. "hi, i'm nate, and i got my terrible sense of humor from my boyfriend."
College Bound: Excerpt
The kiss ended and tyler licked nate's cheek. "i know i love you. i didn't want to admit it at first, but i do. you make me so happy, nate." nate blushed, his ears drooping again. "i do? you're not just saying that?"
nate simply smiled and nodded.