The Lupine Lab Rat 002
Are you going to be like this every time?Be like what? Unwilling to open your eyes. You wish to escape into the world of dreams, but this is not the place to do so. Quickly! We haven't much time. The voice was becoming intolerably annoying in its...
The Lupine Lab Rat 001
Wake up.I don't wanna.It's your best interest to do so.Best interest of what?Your life. I beseech you, wake up.I opened my eyes. My ears were twitching madly. So someone, or something, really was trying to wake me. I sat up to get a look at my...
Lab Rat 2 - The Beginnings
#2 of lab rat series lab rat 2 - the beginnings by: darkserpent warning: does contain blood and gore. i wandered around the zoo looking in at all the animals.
A Rat's Tail - Part 1
#1 of a rat's tail --- main character information name: beatrix "trix" nightshade species: ratling gender: shemale fur: coal-black, short, sleek. skin (tail, tongue, penis, nipples, etc): pale pink.
Two Rats Walk Into A Bar...
"is that right, little rat?"
Rat Prince: Act II
, the eyes... ...a big rat.
Rat Prince: Act I
rat princeact iaffirmant quidam inueniri aliquando rattum cæteris maiorem, procerior & latiore corpora qui à cæteris otiofus alatur.
Chapter Nine - Ratted Out
This guy here asked me if i was full from earlier and i said no, then he asked me if he could feed 'em to me so they wouldn't wake up later and rat me out, not even knowing that that was my plan all along.
The Fox, The Rat and The Metal Beast
Smiling in victory, the canine bore down his teeth on the rat picking him up and giving the helpless animal a good shake, breaking its neck.
Lab Rats, Chapter 1
When it ended i was a rat, a huge white rat, there was nothing human left, nothing. my eyes were the last to change, slowly becoming the large eyes of a rat.
Con Rats: Retirement (Commission)
Balls slapped the younger rat's chin as he picked up speed, imagining his seed drowning the rat. sasha did not sit idle nor pull away. his hands clutched his father's thighs for balance.
The Con Rats: Workaholic (Commission)
The rat's tongue was divine. its saliva stained his rod as the rat dragged along from the base to the tip. lips pressed against the pink tip, heavily kissing the rat's head before suckling down.