Venom: Beautiful Killers. Part 36

He is a snowshoe hare, tan all over except for his white whiskers and the black tips of his ears. he looks really young, practically a teenager. he has on his lap a black laptop with a flash drive connected to it.

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The Finland Express - Part 3 - The Empty Land

If the lemur couldn't ski now it was too late for him to learn, and there had been no snowshoes in the shed. the only chance the baby had was if he left now with it.

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Lykos - Lone Wolf pt. 13

He was dressed for the weather in a navy blue winter coat, black ski cap and blue jeans over black snowshoes. "hey, is that coffee?" he asked with interest. "help yourself," jack said, handing over a cup and thermos which was still warm.

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Haunting Revelations

The rest of the room though was much harder to divide into different types, a bunny who looked like she was always up to no good, a snowshoe hare who looked like something between the bookworms and rebels, two ring-tailed lemurs, probably sisters, and another

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The Complexities of Thumper Part 1

The search party set out on snowmobiles, skis, snowshoes, and dog sleds. fanning out from the last known location of the neighbor's house they began to search south, her last sighted direction.

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Fursonae X Machina: Episode 3 - Revelations of Honour

Cyan said forlornly as the image shifted to show the snowshoe hare, ears ripped to shreds with a frighteningly large portion of his chest blown apart.

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Once, twice and again!

Except that the tightrope kept moving, and she was wearing snowshoes. and -- "spyglass. pop-up group. bullseye, seven-zero for two hundred." _what?_ that was right in front of them. "alamo, what's --" "contact, left eleven.

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On Red Alert

His contact made his presence nice and clear - a snowshoe hare wearing a light collared shirt and semi-nice pants, who looked about as thin and lank as rudolph had before his training had started.

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With This Hoard, I Thee Wed

He wasn't sure how haley did it, but he knew his friend likely hunkered down in his cabin for the winter, living off the land and getting around with a snowmobile and snowshoes.

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Fallout: The Winter Wasteland: Predators

"you have any snowshoes? the snow gets pretty deep up at the peak." grant returned. "i'm afraid not, my friend; those are not easy to come by and most who have them are using improvised ones.

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Migratory Birds- Chapter 18- Whiteout

Finally he pulled the trigger and he always hit what he had aimed at: a three-eyed snowshoe rabbit, a three-eyed fox or sometimes some small feathered reptile which he would add to their provisions.

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Love and Lycanthropy - Chapter 20

It felt sort of like having a really small pair of snowshoes strapped to my bare feet or something.  it didn't take long at all to get used to the feel of them."some of the guys prefer not to wear them, but i thought i'd let you try them out.  

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