Same Procedure Ass Every Year

Hinrich muttered, tearing into the paper and ribbons to expose a featureless cardboard box that suspiciously looked like one might use for a unsurprising.

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A tale of two worlds - Chapter 7 A Disturbing Discovery

The female eyed him suspiciously, she thought the expression the lights are on but no-ones home was perfect here, something was wrong but she just couldn't put her finger o it. ‘is there something stuck to my face?'

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Odd Countermeasures -- Chapter 4 -- Part Two -- {Ghosts from the Past}

It had the words: "search zone narrowed.", "district 34: suspicious area." the male then turned to the reports section of the file and saw numerous reports from sceptre.

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A Deeper Friendship 10: More Guilt

He was suspicious as to why she wouldn't enjoy him like she used to. as he pondered this, his world shifted as she stopped midflight. the sensation of weightlessness surrounded him.

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Reptilian Knights Chapter One

As i was suspicious enough as it is considering that i wore clothes that didn't even exist here and i didn't want to risk creating a nuisance since i wanted to keep things running smoothly as i could whilst here.

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Two Worlds:: Jealousy's a Bitch (7)

I can't go through with--" kevin reached up to damien's neck, pulled the chest armour down enough to see the golden a chain he was so suspicious about.

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Psychopathic Tendencies

His left-hand fingers gingerly rubbed his sheathe, confirming his suspicious, while his right slowly rolled his balls in his palm enjoying the warmth radiating off them. "not a bad start..."

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The Blessing and The Curse - Part 4

I kept turning around, looking to see if anyone was following me, but i never saw signs of anything suspicious.

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Micro's Dream

Kyles ears perked up at what he said and he looked over at him suspiciously. "what... do you mean by that?" he stood in a rather neutral stance, but still a little on the edgy side watching the wolf.

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Lockwood Resorts

That he expected to draw an answer suspiciously similar to first. billy sighed, realizing he might just need a moment to really think this over alone. "thank you sir, i'll... i'll be ready in a second."

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(CH12) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

Seconds later he opened the door and paused in front of me, giving me a suspicious look. "i've come to check in." i said as if i didn't hear anything.                 "ummm, ok.

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Chapter 1: A Third Survivor?!

On the outside the apes kept watch not seeing any suspicious about that place but they kept watch waiting for any movment that could lead to trouble. they weren't the only one watching. terador was too.

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