Never: Prologue
Warm, inviting covers were splayed all over the mattress, messed up probably due to his wild sleeping. although he was surprised to find himself in such a place, he wasn't quite shocked enough to do anything about it.
Recontextualize 2 - Sacred Mission
There were no refills this time if she messed up. the candle was also looming above her face, making her afraid that there might be permanent damage. if a single drop got in her eye, she might end up blind.
Days Go By: Secrets From The Underground
This story was originally written for creative writing i, and i lost the original document, the printer messed up the 2...
Hypnovember 23 - Villain
If he messed up, his usual backup would be the first to place a brainwashing visor on his head. no one would come to his aid if he messed up.
Digimon Emperor - Following Orders
More messed up i think.. xd i think this'll be one of the last for now. my thoughts seem to calm down, not making me think about the digimon emperor's private time anymore that often.!
The Stray Cat: Ch. 16
He knew he'd messed up; his answer was too quick, too automatic. if he'd paused and acted like he pondered it for a second, he might have fooled me. his shoulders drooped. he seemed visibly smaller.
A Bet
The guy's snow-covered paws were messing up his favorite shirt, an indignity he let no one get away with. "just like i thought. that car of yours looks nice. i think i'll take it."
Spaced Out
"it's part of how i'm messed up." "hey..." fran looked up to see jackie put her hand on her shoulder. "we're all messed up about all sorts of stuff, aren't we?" the jackal nodded. "but you've had to deal with needles before, haven't you?"
Lilly and Humphrey's modern world chapter two
#2 of lilly and humpfrys moden world sorry about the last chapter if you read it copping from word to sofurry messed up chapter two, humphrey pov i awoke in my couch just vaguely remembering about last night because of extreme tiredness lilly walking
New Feelings
I had walked outside because my tux was starting to get my fur all ruffled and messed up =/. i was surprised to see my friend elliott, a handsome gray wolf with the voice of a god. he was outside in the brisk winter night, singing as he did.
Memories (Chapter 3, book8)
I feel like i messed up and everyone paid the price. i didn't know, man. i didn't know what i was getting myself into. i was cocky. i thought i could be a goddamn superhero, and i messed up. now millions are dead, man. i screwed up, kiddo."
Alone (Book7, Chapter4)
"you ... messed up ... the _past_. donovan? no. _mark_ should have been abducted, and _you_ messed up with ole' green eyes. two separate things. i didn't always have these problems you know.