New Love, New Type of Love
Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by the content in this story then do not continue. I don't own pokemon and if you recognize a character then most likely it is not mine. Chapter one: Does Type Matter? This story was requested by...
For Love of Love 20: A Night of Heat
"Wakie, wakie!" her voice surrounded Tom from every possible direction, screaming at him. If anything could wake him up, this could. "Wha-What?! Wh-who are you...what do you want?" Tom wiggled around in a vain attempt to get away from the chains...
For Love of Love 19: Lives to Live
"Listen, Tom. I know what you're like. Don't try anything under any circumstances with Jean; she isn't like Jes; she'd probably be too afraid to resist you, but trust me, she doesn't you 'yiffing' her or whatever. Keep your fantasies to yourself and...
For Love of Love 17: The Journey Begins
Jes groaned sleepily and opened a single eye. Good. She was the first one awake; that was how she liked it. No one could surprise you if you were up before they were. On the other hand, it was a great thing to be able to surprise other people...she...
For Love of Love 9: A New Begenning
_Love seeketh not itself to please, Nor for itself hath any care, But for another gives its ease And builds a heaven in Hell's despair._ **William Blake** ...
For Love of Love 10: Ex Periculo
_ _ **Anonymous,** Latin "From danger..." "Anyone can love," he repeated. "It's just not always obvious to us." Besides, among all of the anguish and anger she was feeling, all of it directed at herself, she almost...
For Love of Love 6: A Newcomer Approaches
" anything else. Maybe she was just a picky eater. He didn't know. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " The one or two times a year that she had enough time to see her parents after returning from an assignment, she only got more and more...
For Love of Love 4: The New World
The group of Digimon and humans made their way out of the city. Oliver silently thanked whatever forces may have helped him for going in there and coming out with his life. He hadn't pictured himself losing his virginity in there, of course, but...
For Love of Love 3 - Heat...ness.
Jes quickly knocked Oliver to the ground with a swift kick, looking down at him as he winced and looked up at her questioningly. "Your Digimon isn't the only one who can teleport," she said. She was sick of that little twerp. She was sick of that...
Love & Joy - For The Love Of...- part 5
PARTS SO Far -------------------------------------------------------- Part 1~what a mess - [Read Here](%5C) Part 2 ~Emotionally Dead - [Read Here](%5C) Part 3~The Oblivious Truth - [Read Here](%5C) Part 4~If a Tree burns? - [Read Here](%5C) Part...
My love, I love you
I walked into my house coming back from DJing a rave. I placed my jacket on the couch and head to the kitchen to see if my lovely boyfriend was in there. "Babe i'm home." When I walked in the kitchen no one was there. "Where is he? Today isn't...
For Love of Love 28: Coming Danger
The Comndramon looked around its new surroundings. Having just woken up on the outside of a big city, it didn't anything about itself; it didn't know how long it had lived, it didn't know any of the things it had did, it didn't know if it had ever...