Into the Belly of the...Beast? (commission)
This ability was granted subsequent to the defeat of a voreatian beetle, a species able to survive being swallowed whole by its natural predators.
Drinks From Strangers
"mmm...mmm" she whimpered out heavily as the beetle backed up with a thick chitter. he feeling satisfied impregnating this wolf. he slapped her backend, pulled up his pants, and walked out
The Nature of Life - Chapter 1
Finding glow fruits in the deeps of the caves was a dangerous task as they were often guarded by cave beetles, a very large, beetle that would stun and eat its prey.
Part 9: Just Live
Bloodies only found the source of the chittering when the arena caretakers dropped another portcullis, and there emerged giant beetles.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 5.2 - Hell Hath No Fury
"all of you must report to the centre stage in one hour," said the beetle. "you will stay at your regular posts until then."
That hard six
"like a beetle, crawling on a branch of a tree. like that one." he pointed towards one of the oaks that towered above them, thick with late-summer foliage. "a beetle," jessica wynne murmured.
2022's Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers Fanon of Storage stored by Toon Part Collectors.
Slider's guitar chun-li's buns hello kitty's bow my melody's hood kraven the hunter's spear bishamon's armor leni loud's shades morrigan's bat-winged head mario's hat blue beetle's back with 6 limbs and wings nui harime's ribbons ran yakumo's tails
The New Breeder
She said squinting and walking towards a large beetle, feasting on a deer. "where the hell is your hive!"
Maybe This Time
Hearing a beetle buzz by, come to inspect the acorns and leaves scattered about her short dress. all of them flitting sensations. meant to be briefly savored, not to last. with their leaving came a heightening of the chirpy music.
Righteous Chaos
The earth pony's nose was perilously close to those supposedly 'keen' beetles as they went about their business, and while a nip from one of them would surely have just been a mild discomfort, at discord's current size it would have been a more mortal
Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 9
"beetle class fighter! please identify yourself," said the frog. slippy responded. "this is toad trooper designation pk149. my ship was lost in enemy territory for two weeks.
Like Cats and Dogs
The robe slipped back revealed a dark blue, iridescent beetle. sure enough, his robe had magical symbols on it and he was fumbling with some jars of powder. his overall shape and actions reminded jon-tom of clothahump.