Hope from the Embers
Kyle had told him that when he returned from space, they would get married. a strangled sob escaped from kyle's throat, "c... come back hun..." he hissed, a claw accidentally extended from his finger and pierced the picture of his boyfriend.
From Nameless (unfinished)
The springs easily holding their weight; there was no crying from the springs or shifting from the bedpost. they were just having fun. as a human, of course he tired first.
From Bane to Boon
In any case, i replied, "yes, i first heard your name from apple bloom. or was it from sweetie belle? or maybe scootaloo? anyway, it was from one of them. but i'm not out here to see you. it's...a long depressing story."
Lovers from the Battlefield
After a good twenty minutes, jack pulled himself free from her tail hole. while she recovered from her first anal sex, jack, removed the protection he used.
A Letter from the Thief
Suppressing a grimace, he pulled is remaining knife from his belt.
Running from what
He would be drawn back like the last even if he could muster what luck and lust it took, but they already took what his lust had come from. it must have just been like a silly pun to them, the bit of fun to have him run till it would be done.
Escapre from the Fire
#5 of the tales from zion i woke up from my nap to the smell and crackle of burning wood. my ears perked up to pin point where the fire was at.
This......is me from Devilmaycry
I tried killing myself when i young, mostly from depression about what happened. after that point, i spent from i think age eight to twelve in mental hospitals and special education schools because of add they say.
From the Sea, With Love
I bit at my lip, as much to keep from crying out as to keep whatever air i could in my lungs.
Rising From Nothing
That affectionate word simply slipped from my lips unbidden, and the second i said it, i knew my face was very red. "thanks. and, you can always call me baby."
Shelter from the Rain
He squinted into the darkness only able to see a rough outline, relieved it didn't spawn from his imagination.
Rescue from Limbo
Aren't you from..." fluttershy spoke, "she's from someplace called sunny town. we were told she's cursed."