Layfield High: Chapter 1

With his shock he inadvertently stepped closer, pressing his much desired chili dog even further against the stunned white greyhound.

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Tales of the Bounty Hunter: Intrigue

The greyhound barked in glee, also tossing down his hand; "straight!"

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knot so different

As she finished she gave the greyhound a scornful look. as the greyhound stepped away she turned back to mathew's uncle. "now tell me how much does the artist want for this set, they would go nicely in my office."

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Leviathan 02: Easy Does It

The greyhound says. "right this way." and he waves nico toward the bar. passing through a gaudy marble and bronze archway, nico is welcomed with the scent of alcohol and sweat.

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Everyone Does It for Vlad 2

The greyhound noticed the comical tension between the lovers, "alrighty! that's prime rib with the minestrone soup and spring salad.

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Creamed Cherries Club 4 - Swingers

A second picture showed an adult irish setter woman in her early thirties, her cunt dripping with cum, as the same eleven year old blindfolded girl and a fourteen year old italian greyhound girl lapped the cream from her gash.

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Going all in

Mournful emerald eyes looked at the greyhound as felix explained "we can take all the time in the world. i am done hiding, done denying what i am." "are you crazy? do you know what will happen if we are caught?!"

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Doberman Afloat 2

As i step inside the medical bay i am met by the chief medical officer, a greyhound by the name of lancet grint. "well doctor how are our guests doing?" the greyhound looks up from his clipboard.

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Devil Seed Ch.16

Sam entered the room and set the file on the table across from where the young greyhound sat. he swallowed hard as he looked down at the file. his photo was clipped to it and looked slightly ill.

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Sweet Revenge part 2

Yep i'm so dead he thought to himself as he looked at the 70 foot greyhound next to the fox. where did you say you smelled it the vixen said. over here somewere but the winds picking up i can't smell it anymore it replied.

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Firestorm - Ch 9: Deployment

Zac whispered as they walked fast to keep up with the long stride of the greyhound. "not when i met him.

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You may think its easy in a big rig but it gets alful lonesome, somedays are just dead out there on the CB-radio, but the coffee's good if you know where to go. I'm just a simple trcker bear, my height is 7'2, brown all over, the only other...

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