Deep Space - Chapter 7, Unfortunate
He just straight up hacked the pod's console so that the icer wouldn't kick in. it'll be different now though, they knew what we did. scratch admitted to hacking it, but everyone was okay with it.
Live Patching
Never in his life had he imagined that he would be able to hack the base code of an orion interactive game.
After the Storm - Part 29 [The Face of Terror]
The blastoise was taken aback, completely surprised by the sudden appearance of the luxray and the fact that he was able to hack into avalon's systems. the sceptile bore the expression of curiosity and amazement.
Jake's backstory WIP 1
He has a passion for computers, and knows nine different coding languages and has hacked google twice. but from his outward appearance, you would never be able to tell this about him.
Meet Kairi Kitefin
She was particularly fond of instances when she could hack into someone's vr home, where she was alone with her target in their own room, and could start messing with things.
Conditioning a Slave For The Master
Eventually the tentacle reached the brain and broke into several microscopic sized branches to effectively hack her mind. suddenly jan felt very relaxed and stopped struggling. the other girls stopped as well once they were also hacked.
Commission: Reprogram and Repurpose
Sure it was inspired by someone else, but the purpose was far more useful than just some normal hack code.
Alec's Adventures - Chapter 9 - Covert Operations
Once that's done we can access their network remotely and hack the data." "okay", replied grrelt. "we covered this sort of thing in training. we go in cloaked, attach a leech, get out and wait until you've hacked the system.
Life in the Apocalypse Origins: Smith
It's a nickname i've stuck to even now, despite my hacking opportunities being limited. armed with my best hacking program on an otherwise empty 4 terabyte hard drive, i approached the mainframe slowly, as to not draw attention to myself.
3:7 Symbiotic Relations
If she tries and makes one mistake while hacking it, by design the bomb will go active and detonate right then and there." "so unless you have the perfect hack..." jenna concluded. no way. they couldn't expect her to crack that in one try.
We Didn't Start The Fire (for Rydia)
Troller hacks your q account, you're done and say that you're out others hacked, our lives in chaos, we don't know who to trust we didn't start the fire it was always burning since the world's been turning we didn't start the fire no, we didn't light
Learning Experience
Over the last few nights, someone had managed to hack into the city's security measures and gain access to its mainframe.