City Sector Uplift part 5
Jarzyl walked briskly towards the front of the airship, until she reached the circular hatch again. she hurriedly yanked on the hatch, but it didn't budge. "um."
The Dreadwyrm's Weakness
They were close to hatching. he could probably have made them hatch later by keeping the spell going up. but he was still surprised by the fact they had turned into eggs to begin with!
Dragon in the Dishwater, Ch 4
"i hatched in wales."
Game Story (Prototype)
Now, you, blue, open that hatch! and you, stay right where you are..." i threaten, starting to walk to the hatch...
Fitting Roles Pt. 2
The clutch would still take a whole year to hatch, but they had survived the winter thanks to the constant watch of the gryphons.
The Lesbian Incident of Emma and Jessica
"i'm hatching!" she screamed, her face still dripping with dragoness cum.
A Boy and His Lucario Part 2
"did, did you hatch from the egg?" "ri." it nodded with a smile. john jumped forward and held the newly hatched riolu close to his face. "wow! a riolu! i've only ever heard stories about riolu before! now i have one!"
The Dragon Chronicles 02
There are three parts of an ancient prophesy that newly bonded and hatched dragons will hear upon their hatching. if we are lucky to bond (the single happiest moment in a dragon's life is to share their life with another) we will hatch.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 21
Kicking the dead infected creature in the center, it slammed into the back hatch. before the parasite could attack again, redding punched the emergency hatch release that blew it off.
The Service of a Queen
The small ones always hatched little slug like things about the size of my thumb; the soldiers took those for themselves immediately after hatching but they were the only light in the darkness.
The Wolf in the Room Ch. 2
However, it's time to rest for my wolf, and thus, i slowly closed the heavy metal hatch. "wait wait wait! no please no! pleeeeeeeeeeease nooooooooooo! i'm claustro..." and the moment the hatch closed shut, no more noises escaped the box.
Eggceptional Vacation Get Away: Hayati
I knew you were hatching now! i have a sense of these things! i try to be here for each hatching but you see... even knights of my caliber must sometimes heed nature's call... and i'm afraid i'm just not as fast as armoring up as i used to!"