[Commission] Path of the warrior

She set off on her journey, the moon shining on her path, her heart filled with sorrow and a tinge of doubt, but all that was overshadowed by excitement and a willingness to learn. # summer would soon dawn.

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The Path of the Rainbow Dragon

You see a massive sleeping green dragon sprawled out before you. It is under a green tarp stretched on top of poles over a football field. You are on the beach in front of a group of vacant beach condos on stilts. They are on a small island, a sand...

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The Path of the Dragon Lover

You see a massive sleeping green dragon sprawled out before you. It is under a green tarp stretched on top of poles over a football field. You are on the beach in front of a group of vacant beach condos on stilts. They are on a small island, a sand...

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Spygate: The Path To Acceptance

Reconvening back to Unnerve's office, Unnerve's team had a meeting on the events that had transpired the day before Unnerve and Nocturne had left for Chief Seth's station. "Everyone, we've done it. Chief Seth has joined us and agreed to help our...

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Black Cats Path

Disclaimer out of the way :p * * * "black cats path" - trist reinstone a vampire feels many things in its existence. the strongest of emotions erupt throughout its being like a gazer.

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34- The Path of the Sentinel

They both started me down the path of the jedi sentinel, bran's path, preparing me with civilian skills from throughout the galaxy, teaching me mechanical repair, jury rigging explosives and computer systems, slicing, security, infiltration- kane taught me

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Twisted Paths: Excerpt

#1 of novel excerpts an excerpt from my first novella, twisted paths. the first in a three part fantasy series it introduces a world and several races i hope to expand upon in future writings.

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Walking a New Path

What lay out beyond that simple path was a world that she had absolutely no understanding of, one that terrified her, yet also filled the construct with fascination and curiosity.

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Kiyumi and ''The Path of the Heart''

Even though he was afraid of what lay before him, it was time to leave the path he was walking on.

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Off The Beaten Path

She'd found nothing but generosity and helpfulness during her stay and was certain she'd find a hotel or hostel or something down the path beside the car.

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Walking the Elven Path

The path once before her was no longer. but the part was behind her. what should be lost was there. the path once again under her bare feet. the elven path...

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Path of the Shining Sun

Posted using postybirb path of the shining sun monk tradition flurry of fire starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you can hurl searing motes of fire. you gain a new attack option that you can use with the attack action.

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