Two Halves of One Whole, Part One
If you never lived in a small town, you'd find it hard to fully appreciate the charm of coming home from a larger city to a place where hustle and bustle simply didn't exist. When you lived there, it was easy to take the quiet streets and serene...
When Dreams Become Reality: In a Perfect Alternate Universe (BONUS CHAPTER) Part 1
DISCLAIMER: After looking back at the first few chapters and listening to some critique from people about my plotline, I kinda wanted to re-write a bit of the story, making the relationship between Mike and Tony build up more slowly instead of rushing...
A Tail for Two - Chapter 8
You said you'd be back when I woke up. I rose my head up from the pillow that held me so comfortably. My dreams seemed to be only a limited escape from the reality of life. I looked beside me where...
Inner Struggle-chapter 7-The Shocker
_ **Warning:** this story contains homosexual situations between fictional anthropomorphic characters._ Chapter 7- The Shocker Before school began we met up in the bathroom and had a solitary make-out session but remembering the way things went last...
The Jock and the Fat Cat ch. 3
A few weeks passed by as Kyle and Abby grew closer. His grades in math class soared, and she even started to help with some of his other academic problems. His friends teased him occasionally, but he was easily able to downplay anything suspicious....
Paws, Slow Down, Stop - Chapter 6
Sneaky dog must've done all this whilst i was half-insensible; but i found it real romantic, and a relief in so many ways. i didn't know whether i'd be turned back at customs if i didn't say or do the right thing. this was my ticket to ride!
Worlds Apart
The lion softly cupped and rubbed jackson's chin as he guided the husky into a soft romantic kiss. the simple sweet kiss made both of them melt in each other's arms as jackson laid on top of kevin.
Starcrossed (Collab)
The captain of the football team, and such a hopeless romantic... did i tell you, this one time he actually... he actually said... he said i looked cute! cute, me! can you believe..."
Thanking the Hostess
Though her muddled minded wanted him to keep going right away her romantic side won over. if there was any other place she wanted to be in that moment, it was with him in her bed. she simply nodded her head.
A Weekend By The Lake
_ **Friday** _ "Nnngh! Almost... there!" Pepper grunted as he strained to bend the stiff carbon-fiber tent pole just enough to fit into the small ring at the base of the tent. The end of the pole finally met with the brass...
Green Water [Commission]
The music of a calm summer's midday floats in through a window left open to a white-tiled room: the arrhythmic yet tuneful conversations of birds, the breathing of the gentle wind, the sighs of the trees as they rustle and bend together in this passive...
Savoring The Moment (Chp. 1)
Chapter 1 Simplicity Story by BrokenArrow. (C) 2010 All characters in this story are also (C) 2010 BrokenArrow. It was 6 O'clock in the evening when flight 101 landed in Sydney Australia's airport. Kappy a young otter from Canada was on his first...