Socks, Sneakers and Specters, oh my!
He looked down to see the laces of his shoes had been tied together and he heard the socks chuckling at their prank. the wolf couldn't help but get somewhat boned up again but he stood back up after watching the shoes untie themselves.
Happy Go Lucky
It was an awful indication of what power these shoes held over him.
The world expands ch.11 - Shoes, coffee and O.O"?
"uhhhh, basically when you get good enough and sell enough product for a shoe company you get your own shoes, like, the shoes will have my name on them and ill be getting some money off how many shoes are sold, its a skateboarding thing.."
To Wander Infinity ~ Chapter Fifteen: Someone Else's Shoes
Julia must have left her shoes at the pool.
Royal Right Chapter 3: A mile in his shoes.
He still had his memory of the deity wanting him to walk in the shoes of godhood. was this it...? was he in the other's body and experiencing what he did?
Cry Me a Murder (Part Two) : The Shoe that Fits
I shrugged and tried on his shoes. to my surprise they were a perfect fit. it was as if the shoes had been designed specifically to fit my feet. "not bad!" "then keep them," phelps said, smiling. "remember.
Lightning Shoes - (Demonic TF/Paw Stuff Story)
That was all the time he had to consider that yes, a pair of shoes had somehow spontaneously appeared in front of him. then said pair of shoes moved, and lightning had a lot more to worry about than the idea that he had teleporting shoes.
The Education of Crisp: The Equalizer
He'd been saving the big green shoes with a white rim for a special occasion...and this was it. using some of the last of his magic to enlarge the shoes to the dragon's feet, he slowly pulled them down draconicon's feet.
Turning Back The Clock
Jevin continued, slowly brought his hand down to the floor, and dumped nox a good five feet from him, and onto the carpet.the wolf was in the process of untying his shoes, but still spoke.
The Dance
You can leave the shoes on," the wolf narrated.
Trouble In Ireland
Crisp was mortified as his shoes started to dance right out of his room towards outside, the shoes excited to show off the wolf to the world in all of his glory.
A New Discovery - for FriskeCrisps
_ _ _ wide eyed, the wolf cub turned and looked down at his shoes. they were still just shoes, but... _geez, look at how stiff that thing is!_ _ _ crisp looked down at his penis.