Bargains With Monsters

Vellan loved the sea shore, she always had, she had grown up with it as a part of her everyday life.

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Hand in hand

, i found love and your love is more beautiful than the stars shining above us as we walk, hand in hand, along the shore.


Ralph looked at the edge of the shore as he laughed, something caught his eye, "what's that?" he pointed at an object resting right on the shore about 20 feet away from them. "where!? where's the gyarados!"

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Blood on Ice - Part Two Prologue

Eating the small scraps of food that washed up on shore, and taking a few small rodents beneath the ice for his meals, the arctic fox spent another few days traveling this new land. the shore was straighter and longer than most before.

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Lead your Flight Away

With a lot of effort, felin dragged the other bird to shore. "i win," he said with a pant, slightly out of breath. "i caught myself a slow, stupid water bird."

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"Sink and Swim" (QS, Grim)

It was then he decided; he would make his way to the opposite shore in a final attempt to escape.

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Migratory Birds- Chapter 5- Foliage (Part1)

The grassy shore slowly disappeared, more and more rocks covered the shore. the forest got much more wild, it seemed uncultivated contrary to the parts of the forest where they had landed.

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Hope Returns

Hope restores, it returns again evermore, appears upon our shores, and it can even blossom upon death's doors!

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Chapter 9: Homeward bound.

The gryphon took in the scene calmly, before returning his gaze to the lake shore opposite.

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Dennis & Dennis - Playing Naked

The lifeguard towers we positioned, one on shore, and one out a ways. there was only one on duty, whom decided he wanted to the water tower. it's easier this way to reach a drowning victim, before they drown, then it is from shore.

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Island Castaway

He walked through the shady woods till he got to sunny sandy shore. he looked up and down the shore and no one was in site for all the distance he could see.

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