Pokémon: Hidden Intentions
How many days has it been? For the Direwolf, it felt like forever. Each day he let his mind wander about it, he was left with blue-balls. Vacation was just around the corner. While he made money with evolution stones, he felt alone, and this weekend...
That Time Of The Month
"Ah! Careful with how tight you're tying that rope!" Dexter huffed as quietly as he could against the tree, watching as the golden jackal finished tying his hands to its branches. He didn't know why he was doing this... Why he agreed to be...
And so with that they've soon put their plans into action in which the rest of the decepticons went in the back while ambush turned him self stealth like invincible and went inside.
The system has also a very powerful light in the muzzle, but obviously for stealth infiltrations it isn't used. autonomy is of six hours.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 27: Glacial - Request of assistance
Killer was glad that the night spirit was stealth as it was.
Beast Wars Ravages of Love (unfinished alternate story)
She's competent enough for covert ops to take my place, if you need stealth that badly." a pause, then... "it's megatron." that got ravage's attention. "that is impossible.
Star Fox: Tiberium War (Chapter Seven: Ghost's Shadow)
Said sergeant tom stevenson, "good name for a stealth ship. i came here to report the status of the devil dogs stationed on board. we are at one hundred percent ready to give any remnant ape, a permanent dirt nap." "good to hear sergeant.
Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 06
"how should i know, he's stealth, i just don't know why." "stealth, that's your word for not answering pings, right?" "and not showing up on the net anywhere." "then he's probably just home wanting some alone time."
Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 9
The carriers died, one after the other in roiling fireballs and the stealthed destroyer hastily disappeared in a wash of rift static.
The Hayashi clan and Mayumi.
The hayashi clan as a whole specializes in speed, agility, flexibility, and stealth, and their fighting style mirrors this.
Getting Out of a Funk 2
Valerie grinned across the table from a lion in "stealth mode". she sighed and poured herself a bowl of cereal, "you know if you're gonna stay in 'stealth mode' you might as well go out and get us some food, oh great hunter."
Story Inspired By Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls Skyrim: "A Khajiit in the Capital Wasteland"
Jake then used his claws, tore off his pants to speed up things, took the stealth boy and spare pistole energy cells from the vault tech box. "fuck i hope this thing works!" jake said as he attached the stealth boy to his arm and activated it.