An Ancient Word in Modern Times (1/3)
Normally they would just keep taking breaks so that they didn't overwork themselves but now it was the final push to the structure.
New Arrivals - Ch3
The righteous flew down towards the structure on the planet's surface. once they were through the atmosphere, they were able to see the structure ahead of them. its design was similar to a mushroom in shape!
Blackspace: A Pilot's Burden-Chapter 1
The sprawling and haphazard collection of floating structures could almost be called a city.
It wasn't hard to spot as it was an exotic pink structure. in front of the gym was a spacious area to watch the ocean. it was known to be a popular tourist attraction. that's why she chose to come at such early hours.
993 On Deck
The structures of the cells that support consciousness.
The Ancient Ruins
It looked like part of the roof had broken, falling in on the structure, yet the rest of it refused to join.
[TF] A Scent of Rubber and Rust
Aster's head, paws, and individuality was lost in his new grandeur, as his body became a colossal orb of green hues atop the stone structure.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 101: Moment Of A Lifetime (Conclusion)
The structures were composed of marble and stone. the settlement made the lost city look like a small town in comparison. "looks like several of the structures are in need of repair." i commented.
Change of Perspective Page 36
Judging by the structure they are protecting said structure and have no level of being self-aware." fajar responds, "we have reached a similar consensus. the organic life that created these synthetics are no where to be seen.
Laboratory Raid - Part 1
Neither noticed the glass dome in the its center, housing strange dark grey structures.
Gina CatGirl 1
Carolus linnaeus started a scientific way to classify living things centuries ago, and now scientists break down big groups by structure, so a small group copies all the structure of the one above it, which copies the one above it, and so on.
Chapter 31: A Helping Hand
It wasn't long before some of the structures were becoming metal. large metal pylons and structures rose from the dirt and the dense overgrowth, hiding secrets lost from time.