Just pull the plug...(intro)
POP! BAM! CRACK! Marshal was getting beat down by 3 wolves...marshal was a tiger he was usually pretty tough but tonight he was drunk...other wise he could have taken them he was a strong and had white hair to match his fur he does not know his real...
Daemon Hunter Moushigo - Chapter 3
# _Daemon Hunter Moushigo_ ## _Chapter 3 - Hacker By: Mune Metsukai_ _Disclaimer: All characters are copyright Mune Metsukai. All characters and places are completely fictional, and should be viewed as such. This story contains...
Daemon Hunter Moushigo - Chapter 2
# _Daemon Hunter Moushigo_ ## _Chapter 2 - Meeting By: Mune Metsukai_ _Disclaimer: All characters are copyright Mune Metsukai. All characters and places are completely fictional, and should be viewed as such. This story...
It will be alright
It Will Be Alright-by SleepyTbone I wrote this half of this story playing Megaman Battlenetwork, and the last half listening to music. Err.......I hope you like it. I tried, I really did and I'm not expecting like a 10 on it, maybe a 2 or...
Imperfect Memories
Liam knew he could become violent, but it wasn't very common, he'd be more likely to hit depression rather than a violence of that seriousness.
Hoppers Story - Chapter Seven -
Katy did not know what to make of this strange interplay between them - but she continued to watch, flipping the lid on the button, just in case hopper turned violent...but from his trembling and moans - violence was the last thing on his mind....
Hunters Moon - Chapter Four - Dreams In A Dark World
She wailed piteously, struggling wildly against the restraints, knowing her father wouldn't be swayed from his violent course of action.
Hoppers Story - Chapter Two
I just want to make sure we know what we're dealing with here...as i said, i've never seen such a violent reaction!
The Cabin: A Tale of Terror; Part 3: The Escape
Cw: violence, anti-lgbtq bigotry and slurs, gun violence, death, horror name pronunciation key: simcoe: sim - co basil: bay-sill guin: gwin felix: fee - lex acetate: ass - uh - tate note: this is non-cannon for my fursona, simcoe.
Chapter 15: Frustration
Of course we might not have any violence between predators and prey if we didn't live in the same areas. do you want to return to complete segregation?"
A New Beginning- chapter 2
A new beginning chapter two this part of the story contains violence. i try to avoid violence in my life but sometimes it happens.
crossroad of worlds
Also for those people who may be offended by violence, mm,mf,mfm,fmf, mfmf, ff, fff, toysetc or anything else violent, naughty or other provocative material **avert thine eyes and read no further.** for all the rest pleas scroll down and enjoy my first