War Story Chapter 2

As he enters the officers building every one around his stops talking as he passes by. he enters the commander's office and salutes and says 'lt patrick ray reporting as asked sir" "at ease lt. how are you feeling?"

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Grant's Rampage 1.0

Several office buildings still had some of their lights on and cars were jamming the roads. some mid-week partygoers were dancing between the vehicles, ignoring safety in exchange for debauchery.

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Zombie Apoc-fur-lypse (Part 1)

We turned and looked back at the city and looked for a bit before we all decided on an office building. we climbed back down the ladder to our platform where all of our stuff was and looked over the edge, hoping the zombies wouldn't be there.


The rise of a normal man. Chapter 1- Breaking into dawn

He checked out at the front desk and made his way into the car-park next to his office building. he made it to his econo-box gas saver car and stopped for a moment, looking at himself in the mirror. what looked back at him was a sad sight.

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Super Hunter vs Mindy

She said before throwing him across the city and through an office building. hunter finally landed in an ally after bouncing off a dumpster. slowly he got up feeling dizzy as mindy landed next to him with a calculator.

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A destroyed car, an uprooted tree and broken glasses and bricks of the office building; i felt powerful. if only someone were here to see my work of art.

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Another Night, Another Rift

No fighting in a cramped office building. head over to the park on the corner of welder's street! some of the newbies are already there waiting." "ugh, so i'm late?" "rift's not open yet! besides, the star of the show always arrives fashionably late."

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Need for Speed

The owner led them to the office building where they needed to fill out all the necessary paperwork. fifteen minutes later, the young couple was skipping out, key in paw, with the lot owner standing in the doorway, waving them good bye.

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Black Project Files Chapter 18: Grace's back story Part 3/ Roswell Part 4

One hour latter at vance's office 8:51pm: a large silver b-29 flies low just above the office building that vance was in, vance storms out just by the time when he can see the words "straight flush" above the cock pit.

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Love and Pain side story: The Queen's Ace

Up one the roof of an office building across was a fur aiming a rifle her and she didn't even know that she was being targeted.

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Chapter XV: When a Wolf Cries

Rai knelt down by the street curb in front of an abandoned office building and looked at the blood trail there. "what do you make of this?" she asks as stone came to stand still beside her. "whatever happened, i think we missed it." replied stone.

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Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse part 2

We ran through the lobby of what, upon interior inspection, was not an office building, but a bank. we went through a door past the location where the bankers would've sat. it was sad, depressed looking place; more so than banks usually are.
