Halloween 2014: Chp. 1

#8 of halloween welcome to the first chapter of my 2014 halloween story! florin and shank find something unexpected in their basement and from there their adventure begins! i'll be releasing chapters between now and halloween!

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The New Year Incident(2014)

The New Years Incidentby AssilsastaNote: There are many spoilers in this work. Some details are already written, but some are still planned for future works. If you do not want spoilers, save this story for later. Do not read this story if you do not...

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The argument was about me wanting to go to fau 2014 but she didn't approve of it because it was a furry convention and furry's were all sex all the time.

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Broken Moon (2014 update)

I picked it up again this year (2014) and completed it. hopefully there is no jarring transition between the old "ending" and the new material.

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Come As You Are (2014 update)

. ============================================================== come as you are copyright 1996 & 2014 by roguekzin "i'd like to buy a drink for the werewolf at the end of the bar."

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Wenda's Beaten Breastgasm - 2014

Wenda's beaten breastgasm by tannim may 5, 2014 wenda couldn't even feel it anymore. couldn't feel them anymore. there was an amazing deep burn in her chest, but she couldn't feel the individual strokes.

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Small Little Reflection in the Middle of the Night

. :/ ~the fire tiger ~pacha kamaq _this story was written in one go on august 6, 2014 at around 9:45 pm est._


The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 1-Murrells Inlet,2014

He lost his granddad to a heart attack, he had his first kiss at his senior prom, he graduated from high school, & now, in the summer of 2014, he is in a rented beach house in murrell's inlet, getting prepared for his graduation party... when he received


Summer sTrip

_The "adult" tag doesn't come up until near the end so be patient. The other tags are fairly in order from start to finish. This story is an entry in the "SummerAdventure" contest. Please enjoy it. Leave a comment. Fav it if you really like it._ Alex...

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Sand of broken dreams

Sand of Broken Dreams. A wisp of fresh air washed into the wooden cabin, driving away the smell of sweat that clung to the cabin like glue. A ray of sunlight hit the eyes of a teenager about, sixteen years old by the looks of him. He had himself...

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Time For Some Fun in the Sun

Renzyl sighed contently as he sat back in one of the many beach chairs that bordered the crystal blue ocean, his black, shiny latex body clad only in a red speedo of a similar quality as his rubbery skin. He felt the waves tickle against his toe claws...

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