Fellowship bonds

Shhhlink....shhhhlink....shhhlink... The metallic sound echoed through the halls of the empty castle, or almost empty anyway. Only one person remained, the owner of the halls. 'The Duke', as he was known to his people, Sisco to his friends and 'oh...

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Heat 16

Dale snorted as he was woken up with a jerk as their taxi came to a stop. He yawned and stretched looking around; fourteen hours of travel had taken it out of the rabbit. The first few hours had been great, he had never been offworld and exploring...

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Distant Earth CYOA part 30

Shell-shocked Zack stood still his mind a whirl of emotions. It was difficult to grasp the enormity of what he had just done. While he stood dumbfounded he felt warm surrounding him and he looked down to see Qerry hugging him tightly. A paw squeezed...

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What's it like?

"I need some space to find myself... what the fuck does that even mean?" The arctic wolf ranted, not for the first time that night or indeed that conversation. Of course that is always a risk when you mix emotional turmoil and alcohol. A devastating...

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Who cleans the toilets in Rivendel?

Who cleans the toilets in Rivendel? Seriously, come on; everyone saw those new_Lord of the Rings_movies. You all saw it: The Elven city of Rivendel, the last homely house. Thousands of elves, majestic and glorious, so elegant and refined, stuffed with...

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Heat Unity: Prelude

Sian glowered and practically growled at the polar sergeant that finally turned up to collect her. He was a typical polar soldier, dressed in full battle-armour that gleamed from the daily polishing that was Polar regulation. His eyes showed the...

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Heat 2

Heat 2 "Come in," Brian said as his door rattled with a rather petulant knock. The door opened and a short brown rabbit entered, from the furious expression on his face the fox realised that this wasn't going to be a friendly visit. "Hello Reg,...

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Distant Earth CYOA part 22

_Option A tell the captain_ Zack reached out and grabbed his loves paw, "No, your brother's right we should tell the captain before anyone takes any risks. For all we know someone else has found something like this before and he knows of it." Qieth...

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Taking a chance

University of College London, one of the top ten universities in the world and, much to the chagrin of the old blue bloods Oxford and Cambridge, technically the top ranking university in the country. It's campuses littered throughout the capital in...

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Christmas Wrapping

Bah, humbug! No... that's too strong; Christmas is my favourite holiday, but I'd be lying if I said I was looking forward to it that year. It'd been a sort of 'meh' year, and I can't say I achieved anything at all really. Which is sad, because it...

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The King's Shilling

The Amphion's sails unfurled and billowed out as they caught the wind, like a fisherman's net straining to contain a big catch. The vessel surged forward, away from the smoking wreckage, as their target slowly sank beneath the waves, leaving nothing...

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Just one more hand

Las Vegas - city of bright lights, dazzling shows, and casinos. A jewel in the desert, an oasis calling to those weary travellers from all over the world. So much fun could be had within the city walls, many millions of tourists came in every year,...

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