Trailblazer Part 4

Like they make their way to the bridge where the view of jump space is still taking place, bensen is already at his station, his hair showing signs of a recent shower along with marie as she's looking over her sidearm, a 9mm pistol with characteristics of a beretta

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Torn Ch. 3 - A New Enemy

His weapons, consisting of an old sks and a 9 mm beretta had been removed from his body, along with all his spare ammo and other tools. later on the 9 mm would be placed in the glove compartment of ferlin's truck, matt kept the sks for himself.

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Kindred Spirits, Bloodied Sands

There, holding a silver beretta m9, red bandana positioned over his mouth. talon operated the bolt, stripping the first round from the magazine. he didn't even hesitate as he pulled the trigger.

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Infinite Experiences: Mind

At his hip was a beretta m9a3 in the unlikely event of a close quarters engagement, with a boot knife as an absolute last resort.

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the Fur Riots- Completed!

Surged around the corner, before i even blink, the two mercs dropped the two heavily armed guards who stood watch over a single door in the hallway, we continued down until we hit the door way, nikolai did not hesitate, he stepped back, pulled his silenced beretta

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2:10 In Cold Blood

Getting down close to the bouncer, alias pulled his black beretta out of its holster, pointing it in the lizard's face. "i've had a very long _fucking_ night!" alias growled through his exposed fangs.

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Zero Point: Chapter 3- Baptism By Fire

Searching deeper amongst the effects, he also found an m9 beretta handgun. he would normally scoff at the 9x19mm pistol, preferring the greater power and reliability of his .45, but anything that shot bullets meant he could survive longer.

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Sheath and Knife: Snow Daze part 11

Larry pulled out his 9mm beretta and jacked the slide. as the trio walked... "i hope you won't have to shoot." hammocks said. "we never plan on it." larry said. "hopefully this guy won't get stupid once he sees us.

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What It Takes (To Survive) Ch 2

"oh foor feck sake," reid reached to his belt and retrieved a simple beretta pistol, "dun they teach ye anything at basic? et's a simple pistol or short barreled rifle, lek an smg or sommat."

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The Last Hour

His chocolate eyes trained carefully on his struggling partner as she kicked against the jiangshi's grip, her beretta starving for another clip.

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Wastelands-Chapter 16

When the bombs fell i just unpinned all my magazines and dusted off my dad's old beretta m9 with an autosear in it." "i would like to shit on your dad for his choice in handguns, but you get a free pass since what you basically have is a submachinegun.

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The Past is Another Country: Chapter One

His sharp, blue eyes narrowed as he cradled the beretta 9mm pistol in his paw. in the past, he would have felt sickened at the idea of shooting someone. but inside the house lay the fur who had torn his family apart and wrecked his life.

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