Dark World (Preview-ish)
Alright, so I'm writing this story about me and a friend, though its kinda based on Castlevania. If you don't know what that is....You should look it up since its pretty awesome. What I'm gonna do now is just do a mini run down of the story. So! Its in...
The Rubrum Brethren
The Rubrum Brethren Robin Numb, the twenty one year old, laid on his bed, stirring slightly as the sun came in through the window, and shined into his eyes. The alligator yawned loudly and rubbed his eyes saying, "Morning already?" His naked...
Serevokin Nature
"raised to see the cult's way as the best or only way. and the longer they bide their time, the greater their numbers will grow.
840 On Movie Night
Movie night is thus a great success, with both of them agreeing the film is a sleeper hit, a cult classic of the sort that will attract fans long after the movies that everyone else watched instead are hopelessly dated.
The Journal of Krystal
A cult called the "signit" had stolen the sword i used to kill shadow and planned to turn it into a weapon of evil.
Beastlands - Chapter 7, The Trial
Jorin wielded two daggers as his usual and rina obviously favored the short sword she had picked up from the cult's makeshift armory.
2. Couple Counselling
The new cult temple loomed in front. it took only a few weeks for the royal workers to repurpose one of the old churches into a major virility cult sanctuary. they sure could work fast when doing celestia's personal bidding.
Summoning the wrong demon?
A week ago, the senior members of the cult announced tao that he would have to pass a test to fully become one of them.
SPQR Chapter 4
Vespasian was different than his predecessors- influenced by his time in judea and wary of repeating their mistakes, he stopped the imperial cult.
Drako Tygon- chapter 1
Usually someone joins this cult only for his or her own power and prestige. i, however, hadn't gotten this power because i wanted it. so i decided to use this power for good.
Draykan's Anteronian Aftermath 3
"you... you were corrupted by the cult." "the council thought they could use you." "they wanted you to be their champion. "but they're desperate... afraid."
Gonz and Draykan 1
I was once the captive of a dangerous cult. i've tried turning to the knights of love to soothe the savage beast within me. i've tried dulling the lust with drugs, but nothing has been successful, thus far."