Morning Walk
Trent said his goodbye, waving a gigantic paw at the running group as they saw them scurrying to their first class. right, that reminds him. he grabbed his gigantic phone in his hand, only one of its size, and went to his contacts.
Interracial Through Interspecies
As they breathed in and out, they both felt a gigantic orgasm building up.
Everyone Has a Tell
A certain platinum paw had found its way beneath the table, unseen by the others, and was steadily rolling the gigantic balls that the tanuki was known for.
In The End (Story Request)
As theodous moved forward, his gigantic drouse paw positioned it immediately above the shrinking device.
Research & Development
As gigantic as she was manika's descent gave her time to carefully aim at the approaching forest in her field of vision. "come on, come on, make me big!"
Lycaon gets a job as a medical test subject
Lycaon was taller than every skyscraper in the city, and it was impossible to miss his gigantic form, or the shadow it cast.
Subconsciously Rooted
Responded a cheerful lola as she relaxed against the gigantic fluffy tits. "i didn't do anything other than kiss you, though, honest! it was a shock, but that's how awakenings work!"
A giant vixen gets brought down to size
A gigantic anthropomorphic vixen, completely naked, and currently cleaning her teeth with a broken off tree branch as a group of non-giant foxes were massaging her feet and breasts.
Weighty Consequences
The little pink-furred wolf scrambled briefly on all fours before getting back to his feet and making a mad dash towards the far end of the couch even as those gigantic red fingers pawed across the floor after him.
The Erotic World of Hermpires: Anais beta
"i could transform you--" another powerful thrust, and the flare of anais's gigantic dick pushed into daisy's head "--into the perfect minion..."
An alien helping hand.
He could see the gigantic dragon straight on now as he made his way into the sprawling metropolitan area before him.
What You Really Want -- Chapter 1
He took in every bit of heros's form, watching those muscles flare and bulge with each step he took forward, gigantic package bouncing with each step.