Feeding the Dragoness
How could they have known she would be waiting for them inside the lair?
Tale of a changed Earth 6
Twenty eight days later, the good dragons' lair. samson sat at his area with thoughts going thru his head.
A Warm Touch
We were headed for melakar's lair. though we were mates, we each maintained our own homes, with our own collections of treasures and belongings, and our own beds.
Meeting The Love Of My Life Final Edit
* * * ten years later * * * alex was by the entrance of his and michael lair, and alex was watching the sky fade to black as the sun sets. "master, where are you?" alex could hear his pet inside the lair and he smiled.
The Many Uses of Kobolds
So, what use would dozens of chattering, squealing _morsels_ sharing my lair be to me... besides a few days worth of snacks if i grow peckish?"
Forest Keep 29
We shall have to use more primitive methods to determine their lair and ways to assail it" "information will find its way to us if we are patient.
Jealousy - A Redwall Oneshot
He marched out of her lair and took a while before he reached the rest of the ravagers in the darkness of the evening and then slipped into his own tent to consider the matter.
The Dovahkiin's Lair: AE Version
#3 of the dovahkiin's lair this is an updated and extended version, hence the 'ae' in the title, i was suffering from writer's block, and i suddenly had a few ideas, so i got to work on them asap before i ended up with writer's block again.
Dragons Lair pt 30
Wow. Part 30 already. I really hope I get the ending right on this. Itll be so disappointing to have such a long run and then fudge the ending :/ Anyways, enjoy the new part. ==================== They awoke the next morning in a mess of limbs....
Dragons Lair pt 28
#28 of dragons lair i was on holiday in scotland and i took my laptop. i just wrote loads. its now at 43959 words. i've decided to start closing up the dl story line. so lots of sex and action at the same time!
Dragons Lair pt 29
#29 of dragons lair i wanted to wait for the sofurry 2.0 beta before i upload my next part, so here it is a bit belatedly. enjoy pt 29. wow the default font is small! ================== "michael summers. i was here a few days ago" he said.
Lizard's Lair: Chapter Two
Here's the second chapter of lizard's lair, featuring the lovely arianna putting the final finishing moves of the unfortunate house burglar vassel. he's put to good use in this one, becoming her little toy to play with.