Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 60: That Which Must Not Be Said (My Place In This World Part IV)
"singular unity." "all is one and one is all." corbin said. **_little slave._** the entity said through me. "alex's voice! it changed!!" corbin gasped. "that is not alex." the badger warrior said shushing the little mongoose.
Containment II
But he has a mission, one of singular importance that must be carried out.
Virgin Virus: The Dragon
It was where this world's singular ruler sat vigilant. its singular gate was built more than twice my height. it casts an eternal shadow, more majestic than ominous. the massive doors slowly open inwards, revealing sheer darkness.
01 - Macro-Parasitic Infestation
Aside from that singular macro flora that seemed to have conquered most of the region, there were numerous aquatic species. great fat eel like things with filter feeder mouths and five eyes to ring their beaks.
They were struck down easily individually, but the council recited scripture of how the two conjoined and acted as one, aligning the dead and water to channel as a singular, terrible essence.
Digimon: The Outer Reaches - Chapter Eight: Prodigious
It uses an artificial micro-singularity to generate energy with the difference between the zero gravity in the dampener and the amount of gravity produced by the singularity." he processed the information quietly.
The Silver Renomon Series The Between Years Prolog to Book Two
Alpha teams are formed worldwide with the singular mission mandate to gain as much knowledge and combat the threat when it appears. the story continues in book two. posted the same day i posted this.
Solomon Talks: On The Subject of Diet
While your civilization is one that is composed solely of a singular species, my society is comprised of millions of different animal species. these range from mammalian (like me), to reptilian, to avian, to even amphibian.
Races of Mynethrol I the My'Thana
Brief history, the first my'thana where inter-dimensional travelers, and first discovered mynethrol ages ago, and first came next to a singular mountain in the center of a large forest, with a large body of water to the east, but they weren't
Zombiology - Crows
As the rest of the flock took off in a singular direction, one lone bird cawed and flapped her wings in the rotter's face to get its attention.
I Surrender All
"oh ... " an exhale from ada, who swallowed, breathing slowly and deeply through her cool, black nose, which gave a singular sniff. whiskers following with a singular twitch. " ... that was," she breathed, "wonderful." her eyes half-open.
His whiskers gave a singular twitch. "mm. but ... " " ... you should really study the scriptures. i mean, i ... i don't get around to it every day," the mouse admitted, a bit sheepishly.