Tod and Tomboy, Trapped
His cock throbbed, twitched, and bucked inside her, just as trapped as the two of them were in their cage.
Curiosity trapped the copycat.
Part of a chalenge called by sleth a wolf tries to use his short stature to fake a serial criminal, however this don't go as he wish curiosity trapped the copycat.
(C) Trapped and Toyed With
For another, there are traps and monsters. so what happens when they spring one of the traps? **trapped and toyed with** by xp author "i told you, it's fine!" the canine shook her head as she gripped the handle to the door in front of her.
Squeaky Halloween Trap
Even so, she still was rather uncomfortable wearing a skintight outfit in public, not to mention she was still trapped inside a large transparent bubble. needless to say, she felt rather exposed.
Love Bubble Trap
They are known to float around empty beaches looking for unsuspecting prey to trap within their inner walls.
Traps (Kreet 23)
They continued on, now wary for traps. they did see another similar one further on, but they stayed clear of it and it wasn't triggered. "no kobold in sight though," karl pointed out.
Trapped For His Fur
Straddling the trapped male, serafima climbed right up into his lap and wrapped her hands around his face as his muzzle took a more solid shape.
Trapped In The Doggy Door
trapped in the doggy door ~~~ rapping loudly on the front door, kyla waited for an answer. a tan, collared t-shirt was pulled tight over her 'curvier' figure.
Commission: The Knight's Trap
Daxton had set the perfect trap for the dragon that resided within the forest.
Trapped, Tricked and Tested
Desiree almost forgot that she was trapped in a cage, and wasn't even remotely aware of her location.
Urban Trap (Commission)
Sometimes Jamie wondered if he should have turned his hobby into a side hustle. What started out as the pink mouse sharing his exploration of abandoned urban areas turned into a small pile of money every month. Nothing substantial that he could live...
Cave of the lost
Inside never to be seen again as well trapped with some evil in the same room they are stuck in.