Darkness and Starlight 14 - Aboard the Rosalina
One of the greatest wrestlers in history?!" "hey, it's a step up from a retired boxer and an ol' clown right? but don't think of me as the wrestler, think of me as the yoshi.
Lionna vs. the Bloody Battler 1
The feline tongue plunges inside, causing the battler to slip and have her own head caught in the vice grip of a wrestler's legs. tik tik: whoa! fight go so fast!
Draykan vs. Ashlynn 2
Draykan nods as the wrestler bounces on him, milking his cocks and dominating him physically. it doesn't matter why exactly he can't move.
Twilight Eros Chapter 6
"are you still going on about that joke that all canadians are professional wrestlers?" "hey, i'm just saying. look at all the good pro wrestlers out there. most of them are canadian and most of them have at least one signature submission move."
Missing What You Never Had
The rest of the wrestlers from lexan's school stared on in awe.
A Wild Ringside Show
Like drew, he sported his wrestler name, kaden, in gold and purple lettering on his trucks, along with purple armbands adorned with grey fur patterns.
Snyder's Championship (Commission)
"you are the best wrestler in the world.
1. My hot pal Ethan
Ethan was a nice 6 foot tall hockey, ex-football, and ex-wrestler jock and future marine-in-training country boy who weighed about 170lbs. he had a slight southern accent and was very militaristic.
Trade: Taming the Wolf
She was a wrestler by trade and that gave her a huge disadvantage where she would have been wrestling a monster that could not only pick her up single-handed, but also was at least three feet taller than her from the start.
The Greeenmount Chronicles: Chapter 16, Going to Colllege
"little guy, we're wrestlers. not regular wrestlers i guess..." the cougar continued, "naw, but we spend our time rolling around with guys on a mat. so we're used to this."
Championship Training
C. handed a massive trophy to the wrestler, who then posed for pictures as journalists and fans jostled for the best view.
Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - Play Ball
But this being a respectful town full of respectful people, they all left the wrestler and her pokémon alone so that they could enjoy the movie.