The Diamond Dine-in 'n Gulf (FloofNinja commission)

The difference was extreme enough that even the spellbinding concept of being swallowed whole by his friend seemed very, very real. and the body he was going to enter was the ideal combination of hard and soft.

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The problem with the lion costume

He was in a lion's stomach, and a lion knows what to do with meat, even when that meat is an entire human swallowed whole. no one noticed that the lion's belly gradually stopped kicking. no one heard the gurgle as it went to work.

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Mason's Day Off

The coyote said, his shouts drowned out by the loud blaring music, watching as his friend was being swallowed whole by the arctic fox's penis. "let him go you old pervert!" mason didn't say anything.

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Conquests of the Emperor 1: Finster (RP)

Then, the world went black and she dreamed she had been swallowed whole by emperor artimus. artimus watched her fade, the beating of her heart felt through the tip of his cock with how close the two of them were.

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Camping Trip

We both let off huge loads, a few cups worth for each of us, and we swallowed whole-heartedly. his cum tasted amazing, the perfect level of sweetness. after, we laid back down next to each other, naked and exposed, holding one another close.

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Buxy the Bunny: Chapter 1: Buxy and Linda

I also want to be swallowed whole." she sat up straight as she entered her fantasy realm of being eaten by her dream predator. her voice dropped down in volume as her dream predatory wolf filled her being.

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Project Zolaris: Ch. 2

His knot fully swollen, ever swallowed whole by these minx's grinding themselves to his body and each other's. with a soft roll of her hips, she changed pace and began a lustful rocking against his thighs.

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Seven-Tails, Chapter 5

I had dodged the beast's rows of teeth, only to find myself being swallowed whole. the roof of his mouth was wet and warm, and the saliva that percolated rolled down my arms and steamed on my skin. "no," i whispered, as the drool turned my arms furry.

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Mate's Meal

He was amazed that his host body was mutated enough to with stand a whole human swallowed whole and very much alive.

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A Lead Crown Contribution: The Evil is Real

She needed to get out before she was swallowed whole by fear. but the guns... if she picks the one with the bullet... she could shoot the beast and end it all here. but no, she couldn't do this alone, she needed ma'heed... but he wasn't...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 23

He cries, and asks us to be swallowed whole! then in front of everyone he humiliates your lord and your lady, by which he means to humiliate all of you, the good wolves of gryning."

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