Betting on Trains

View everyone else as 'naive' and 'misguided,' and think they're on better academic footing. as if academics meant anything. which they don't. i mean, in the scheme of things ... or they insult themselves at every turn.

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The Aesir Pantheon

**associated powers:** epic charisma, epic intelligence, jotunblut, magic, prophecy, sky **abilities:** academics, command, fortitude, medicine, occult, science **rivals:** huitzilopochtli, ogoun, poseidon, susano-o, thoth ------------------------------

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2 - Relieving Pressure

However, the good times were not to last as kevin lived abroad and, sadly, the couple could not see each other until the next academic year started up.

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A Life-Changing Discovery

"let us ready ourselves," he said, "there will be an academic team coming and they will be most curious. let us not disappoint them."

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In Serpent's Embrace: Chapter 5-Intersteller Academic Quiz Bowl Pt 4

#5 of in serpent's embrace in serpent's embrace chapter 5-intersteller academic quiz bowl pt 4 jacob was running and running, his mother and jeremy were chasing him again.

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XIX. Friends indeed

This book is not for sale through regular channels, and only available for people with a relevant academic degree. when kaeden moved in with me, i told my caregiver about my relationship with him and that he wanted me to treat him like a puppy.

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Joey's Student Body Initiation

"that it's a higher-end school for furs, with a solid reputation for academics, and..." joey gulped. "...that the furs who go here have to go... naked?" shana tilted her ears and looked blankly again at him.

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Ancient Idol of Hedonism

Doubtless there was some academic somewhere that would understand it - and probably pay the company his life savings for the recordings - but to her it was so much gibberish.

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"i think the difference is kind of academic at that point." "academic, but important." they shot me a grin. "poison's never been an issue for me, as you may know. i'm told it's why frogs like me so much."

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The Real Folk Blues: High School Days Revised Edition! Ch. 1

It was the first day of a week-long ninth grade summer orientation at the prestigious franklin technical high school, the best in the city, academically.

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The Jackal's Fortune

The middle-aged academic was no match for a hardened criminal 20-years his junior. michael was too panicked to focus on anything but the hand choking him, trying desperately to pry apart the fingers.

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Bee Stories 5

Despite my learnedness and attempts at sounding academic, i could not hide my hunger. secondly, i knew the bee had no sense of self-preservation even as i choked her with my slime tendril. her thoughts as a conscious song were that she was happy.

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