The Last Line: Preparing the Breeders
The anthro beast was barely more than an animal herself, having lived in oceans and seas.
Project Tiamat- Prologue
Some had good working relations with anthro crews, even if they did not specifically have any anthro members on board.
The Good Mistake
His long-felt desire towards dean had been so because of how large shark genetics made anthros like him. certainly not as big as orca anthros of eight feet, but matthew himself was almost as small as shrew anthros of four feet.
Interlude Chapter: Character info and the story so far.
Heritage:thowan's parents are both wolf anthros.
Milking the Breeding Stud Stallion
Standing tall and bulky, he easily towered over the slight of build anthro, though the anthro too was a stallion just like himself, even though they could not have been more different.
I, Penis
Unlike humans, most anthros did not wear clothes.
Nona: Chapter One: Kit Kat
The humans and the anthros.
Interlude Chapter 2: A hint about future chapters, more character info, and explanations on a few of the groups in the story.
Heritage: unlike most anthro's agro's mother was a feral and his father was a human. this is why where most were born into the world as an anthro, human, or hybrid, he was born as a full feral dragon.
Wet Fur: Sex in the Pool (erotic eBook teaser)
But nuka, an arctic fox anthro, is only interested in one of his workout partners, cole, a bigger, more muscled anthro lion. there are plenty of different body shapes and types to enjoy, but a muscled one is what nuka wants.
A New Way of Life
Ryan managed to construct several weapons for the anthros to use. the anthros are fighting back. "the humans are becoming frightened. the tides of war are turning. now is the time to strike.
He had caught up with the two anthros carrying private martin and had taken his legs, making the dead anthro considerably easier to carry.
chapter six
Variations group rp human and anthro mix other genders can be played as well. human and anthro mix the gender types can be reversed in this rp so one can have fun with this.